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lazy union asses get back to work ,,,




Governor Scott Walker is blaming the recession on social services and benefit packages for teachers, sanitation workers, police officers, firefighters, streets dept workers etc but ignoring the fucks that caused this shit to begin with: Citigroup, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Chase, the Federal Reserve etc..


Not only that but McDonald's, Microsoft, EPIC computers, and Apple pay ZERO taxes in this state. We could easily correct the budget by going after the rich fucks.


Lastly, Piece of shit Walker gave out $200 million in corporate handouts to his cronies that sponsored his campaign. Fuck this Piece of shit. This is Class Warfare motherfucker!


P.S. Wisconsinites better stop thinkin these Democratic politicians are that much better. They fuck us too, it's just not as ridiculously obvious. Sorry for ranting..

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