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fucks sake.


i obviously missed out something that should have been put down. some of you fools need to get some common sense.


since when was it ever a good idea to be posting up what names writers are using? fucks sake.


and the PM's are there for a reason, this isn't a fucking chatroom. this thread is in BrickSlayers for a reason, IE flicks of graff. get your lame ass bullshit comments and take 'em to who you're directing them at, don't leave them on here because you're just embarassing yourselves, aswell as anyone else who paints derby with your immaturity and stupidity.


*edit* this isn't directed at anyone in particular... i'm just statin' facts. don't like being called a toy? stop making yourself look like one.


Props to Opi, mans be gettin hardcore, check the dual carridgeway lookin' spot like what !


i'm sick of saying it so i'm going out to get flicks myself. expect something later tonight.

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my advise for ne one who wants 2 get in 2 graff is DNT TRY AND RUN BEFOR U CAN WALK!!! 1.think of a gud name2.then sketch3.wen u think ur confident anuff then u can pratice usein paint and dnt go stright into colours jst use crome n black4.then wen ur gd wiv crome an black start tryin colours ROME WASNT BUILT IN A DAY IVE BEEN PAINTIN 4 SOMETIME NOW AND I DNT USE COLOURS OFTEN THINK ABOUT IT CHAPS!!!PROPPS 2 THE MAN THATS KEEPIN THIS THREAD ALIVE OPI!!!!

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^^^ I know this makes me sound like a grumpy old man but those alleyways in Long Eaton looked a lot better back in the early 90's.


Faze - well no one's ever had that tag before, why don't you change it to something more original like Code, Daze or Rime?


Hey look - I've written a post in proper English. Do I get a medal?

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I will try to sort out a bigger scan of that piece for you mate, and no ive not got anything else of his but I have got a fair few pics from Long Eaton and Ilson from back in the day that I will put up.

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