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partying in portland...


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Chuby, is that you?



you know it. bumb me:lol:


just kidding, that aint me. i heard the guy that writes chubs is addicted to heroin. like chubs of heroin. that shit is so bad.



but bump spaler and chant..


bumb to all the people out there that are struggling with heroin addictions. that shit is hard core..:cool:

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it's not "bumb", dude. simply put, you are wrong, and sound pretty stupid consistantly throwing out "bumbs" for any and every flick posted. "bumb" isn't a word. look it up. or don't.


this is petty, I know. but fuck, man...you are fucking annoying.


your fucking stupid . i post more pics than u recently. just shut the fuck up, nobody gives a fuck what u think. nobody wants to hear ur opinion.:mad:

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You are such a bitch, literally nobody cares what YOU THINK or have to say.

Those that dont do shit (you) sit on here and talk shit... THOSE THAT DO.... well you dont hear to much from them... they busy...


you are the one that is always talking shit. you dont know me, so quit talking shit.

I dont read ur posts, they just say the same shit u said last time to me.


blah blah blah

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