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partying in portland...


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damn.... the office is going to make so much profit off this locked up pain bullshit


yeah they will and the fags don't deserve it either. most of those guys there treat me and my boys like shit cuz we don't skate. I'm not buying their paint. I'm racking from Vancouver once it all gets locked up. somebody needs to hit that art store on burnside by the office with about 100 cans of German Montana right next to the glass door.

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Cry about it..punks get treated like punks...get your game up, and drop some scrill, get some fresh shit, then maybe they will give a fuck if you came in to spend 75 cents to cop the tips for tonites "bombing mission"
sounds like you know what ur talking about.
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Cry about it..punks get treated like punks...get your game up, and drop some scrill, get some fresh shit, then maybe they will give a fuck if you came in to spend 75 cents to cop the tips for tonites "bombing mission"



I don't know TAGTASTIC and this only applies to the Burnside Office as I've only been to the downtown one once, but...


Niggas that work at the Office are chumps. Pretty boy, fashion-skater faggots. Always having thier equally faggy friends kicking it on the couch and shit. Pulling out that stupid fucking chart everytime I drop a buck and ask for 4 rustos. Yes, I'm just running into your faggy store to nab caps, because it's conveniant as fuck and you sell them. I think your gear and your game is wack, and I wouldn't drop dough in that joint beyond caps no matter how much I had.


And that's beyond the fact that the reason they're even carrying caps and paint is to be on some hip, counter culture, exploitation hype. If that wasn't the case, niggas wouldn't be so snobby about kids coming in for 75 cents of caps in the first place.


Sorry, but that's how some real locals are seeing it.

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I'm sure most of you already know this but there's an art store in Astoria that has just about every color Montana makes... and a lot of it. Caps too.


Yeah, I know... who the fuck drives to Astoria just for some paint. But if you're in the neighborhood...

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