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Guest shai_hulud

Well, yeah, Mainter told me about this...and it was more like a couple weeks ago, I think.


Mainter, do you want to explain how Open DNS works in plain English? I looked for something on the site, but it's mostly testimonials about how great Open DNS is.

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you know what ( computer tech help is never going to end ( i got a call from a side customer today) and wanted to know how to email ( now last week i made a personal visit to this ladies house who is about 50yrs old because she moved the computer to a new location and the internet was not coming up ( i did the phone troubleshooting and all that good shit and this lady was so stupid i had to go out to her house and plug in the cable from the router to the computer , while i was there she asked me to set up her email for her ( fine might as well sense im there) spent 30 minutes just giving this lady a step by step how-to access her email through compuserve!! and through her local ISP's email i bookmarked the sites and had the logins remembered in firefox and had her run through it by her self 3 times before i left to make sure she had it


well today im on the road and i get a phone call ( its this bitch complaining to me that i never set up her email and asking me how to send an email to a friend ( i spent another hour on the phone explaining the step by step on how to access her email so she could send one. she was on the desktop trying to figure out what the hell icon she was suppose to open to access the internet ( then after getting on the internet it took another 10 minutes to get off of IE and to open firefox this time it took another 20 to find the bookmarks / which she still could not find) so we typed it all in manually again) this bitch is always calling on the stupidest shit ( and yes she has called me asking me why the computer screen is black and the patented ( mouse flip over)

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you know what ( computer tech help is never going to end ( i got a call from a side customer today) and wanted to know how to email ( now last week i made a personal visit to this ladies house who is about 50yrs old because she moved the computer to a new location and the internet was not coming up ( i did the phone troubleshooting and all that good shit and this lady was so stupid i had to go out to her house and plug in the cable from the router to the computer , while i was there she asked me to set up her email for her ( fine might as well sense im there) spent 30 minutes just giving this lady a step by step how-to access her email through compuserve!! and through her local ISP's email i bookmarked the sites and had the logins remembered in firefox and had her run through it by her self 3 times before i left to make sure she had it


well today im on the road and i get a phone call ( its this bitch complaining to me that i never set up her email and asking me how to send an email to a friend ( i spent another hour on the phone explaining the step by step on how to access her email so she could send one. she was on the desktop trying to figure out what the hell icon she was suppose to open to access the internet ( then after getting on the internet it took another 10 minutes to get off of IE and to open firefox this time it took another 20 to find the bookmarks / which she still could not find) so we typed it all in manually again) this bitch is always calling on the stupidest shit ( and yes she has called me asking me why the computer screen is black and the patented ( mouse flip over)


yep. the old guy i work with sometimes (90)

is amazed at how fast i work...haha.

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Dude, you're getting a dud



Remember when it was cool to own/buy a Dell computer? Not that long ago it was Dell, not Apple, that had the laid back young kid starring in commercials that resonated with consumers. "Dude, it's a Dell," was the stuff of genius. Dell's were cool, they were cheap and they were everywhere.



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can anyone explain the technical difficulties of using airport extreme with kismac where airport extreme doesn't/won't inject packets using passive mode?

from what i've read there is some way to do something using terminal,iconfig tweak.

i have the instructions on whats needs to be done, but it might as well be sanskrit considering i know zero to none on what any of these things mean.maybe i'm in over my head with this shit.

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Guest shai_hulud

Iconfig covers everything having to do with the network stack.


What is it that you're stuck on?


If you want, I can try to help you out with this on AIM, but no promises.

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well, when using airport extreme with kismac, airport extreme does not have the ability to inject packets. the nature of the driver i guess. so theres instructions on what to do HERE. i get lost on step 2. i don't know what any of that means.


THIS explains the limitations of using airport extreme with kismac.


then i'm getting conflicting answers as to whether airport extreme is completely unable to inject packets OR i can use the terminal/iconfig tweak and make it possible.

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Guest shai_hulud

Are you using a Airport Extreme card? If so, it seems that it can't do packet injection...I'm not clear if it says that it's possible to edit the driver file (which isn't that hard, just make a backup copy) or if it's a limitation of the hardware altogether.


In short, you're right. It's vague. I don't really know either. You can always try to edit the one string with the <true/> argument in place, but as I said before, copy that file before you do anything and save it to the desktop.


If it doesn't work, you want to restore it to its original state.

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Guest shai_hulud

Casek...I'm getting groggy, and Poesia still needs help with Torpark.


I don't get it. It's a portable app, he says there's no firewall running on his comp (XP), and it's just simply NOT working.


I asked him to check out his ports, but I think that I might have lost him there.


Sorry, dude. I know you're four hours ahead of me but I'm beat. Do you want to go try to help him out, or should we just put this off till tomorrow?


The reason I know I'm exhausted is because I was looking for documentation on the CDC site for Torpark, when I know full well it's not there. Or is it?


Sorry, man. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.


BTW, good work tonight. Good times. We should do it again soon.

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Casek...I'm getting groggy, and Poesia still needs help with Torpark.


I don't get it. It's a portable app, he says there's no firewall running on his comp (XP), and it's just simply NOT working.


I asked him to check out his ports, but I think that I might have lost him there.


Sorry, dude. I know you're four hours ahead of me but I'm beat. Do you want to go try to help him out, or should we just put this off till tomorrow?


The reason I know I'm exhausted is because I was looking for documentation on the CDC site for Torpark, when I know full well it's not there. Or is it?


Sorry, man. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.


BTW, good work tonight. Good times. We should do it again soon.


we should give up for tonight.



we'll get him going on something else.

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