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Guest shai_hulud

I read that file, Mainter.


I'm working on some ideas to fix this. Blocking Google is really going to bite Comcast in the ass.


I can't wait for them to try to explain this one.

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I read that file, Mainter.


I'm working on some ideas to fix this. Blocking Google is really going to bite Comcast in the ass.


I can't wait for them to try to explain this one.


google will sue. btw, i hadn't heard of them blocking google and yahoo before this thread.

got any sources for that on hand?


VPN's are the way to go.

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Guest shai_hulud

You're welcome.


No, we took a completely different tack.


Since we were trying to change settings in IPFW, we figured we must have done something wrong. So, we just updated to 10.4.11 and reset everything to the default settings. So far, everything seems to be back to normal (Google and Altavista work, torrents appear to be okay).


If the problem comes back, we'll try OpenDNS.


Just like most people, I'm notorious for not taking notes when it really matters. Normally I document changes I make so I can undo them if necessary. I forgot to do that this time.


I'll just keep an eye on it by checking the logs once in a while to see what's happening.

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casek/shai/ anyone i am retarded




but how in the hell do you get 2 xp machines to share files between eachother


1 is xp pro


the other one is xp home


pro is able to see and edit files on home but can't do it vicevera


what the fuck am i missing here


it has to do with permissions right?

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casek/shai/ anyone i am retarded




but how in the hell do you get 2 xp machines to share files between eachother


1 is xp pro


the other one is xp home


pro is able to see and edit files on home but can't do it vicevera


what the fuck am i missing here


it has to do with permissions right?


you have to go into the properties and set the drive(s) on the pro machine to shared

(and thats if you've already run that stupid windows network wizard or whatever that you need to run on all computers on the windows network)

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on the drives that you want shared did you set up a share name and go in and set max users and user permissions for that share name?



left it default MSHOME


no setting to set max users i right clicked the home drive and selected permissions and i also selected permissions on the pro drive

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wireless question:


for a few months i was stealing a wireless connection. then one day it wouldn't connect to that persons wireless. its still there, just won't connect. no password was needed before either. any ideas as to whats up with that person's wireless and why i can't connect? firewall? fuck i dont know...

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the first thing you must do is disable Simple File Sharing. In a folder menu, click Tools, then Folder Options.


in the "View" tab, scroll down until you see "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)". Turn that off. Then close the "Folder Options" window.


right-click the folder that you want to take control of, and then click Properties. You should see 4 tabs that say "general", "sharing", "Security", and "Customize". Click the Security tab.


next, click the "Advanced" tab, and then click the Owner tab.


in the user list, click the user name or you want have access to the folder, or click Administrator if you are logged in as the Administrator. If you want to take ownership of the contents of that folder you originally selected, click the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects check box.


Next, click OK, and then select Yes when you receive the message:


"You do not have permission to read the contents of directory folder name. Do you want to replace the directory permissions with permissions granting you Full Control?"


yes sirry i do

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wireless question:


for a few months i was stealing a wireless connection. then one day it wouldn't connect to that persons wireless. its still there, just won't connect. no password was needed before either. any ideas as to whats up with that person's wireless and why i can't connect? firewall? fuck i dont know...




they moved the router out of range they have changed the number of connections that are allowed at 1 single time could be a firewall as well

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Guest shai_hulud



I recall filesharing not being an activated feature in XP Home.


Honestly, you would know better than me, Mainter.


It's kind of involved, but you could use PuTTY on both boxes, then ssh into the Home box and ftp whatever you wanted to the Pro box.


Or, use a LiveCD on the Pro box and use Samba. Samba seems to work with almost anything. It definitely works with XP.


If a better answer to this pops into my head, then I'll let you know.


Edit...looks like you asked about this a while ago. But, if you're still stuck, there's a couple more tricks to try.

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