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hey computer dudes..


a friend is having computer issues and asked if I could pass on the word because he needs to get some shit done for work. anyways. this is what he said:


"Windowns XP will boot in safe mode only, but in any other method it simply stalls during the loading screen thingy..."


any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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i was gonna suggest that.. I just didnt wanna throw out ideas if I wasn't sure, and have dude possibly screw up and lose everything he has saved on there.



yep do a system restore to before it started doing the safemode thing


( and get avast and run it


its a virii


p.s he will not loose any data

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so maybe spectr has finally gone off the deep end.... But I keep noticing strange colors in images... I thought it was just my laptop, but now its happening on computers at school. The colors look almost like holograms, varying from gold, to green that I have been I am looking at right now... Am I just going crazy? Are the monitors at my school fucked? should I just stop using the internet since this is them spying on me and they are watching my every move?

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ok casek i want to do a project ( but dont unless i know what i am getting into




ok so here it goes


i want to make a disc changer that is able to connect to my wii


i am able to change the the connections so it plugs in via USB but i need to make some type of program/firmware to communicate with it

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Guest shai_hulud

I'm looking at a G3 laptop installing Slackintosh 12.0.


I might actually be able to DO THINGS IN LINUX AGAIN!!!111one!!!~~



































"And then. while listening to the crickets, he realized....that no one cared."


(Well, I'm excited. That's all that matters.)

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my computer wants to restart due to a windows update, and gives me a message every few minutes telling me it's gonna restart if i don't click the no button, my zune is probably gonna take all night to synch so my computer needs to stay on, is there a way to make it not automatically restart?



oh and how do you find out what version of usb system you have? i thought i had 2.0 but now i'm not so sure, and it doesn't say in the device manager

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my computer wants to restart due to a windows update, and gives me a message every few minutes telling me it's gonna restart if i don't click the no button, my zune is probably gonna take all night to synch so my computer needs to stay on, is there a way to make it not automatically restart?



oh and how do you find out what version of usb system you have? i thought i had 2.0 but now i'm not so sure, and it doesn't say in the device manager



1. Stop the "Automatic Updates" service.

Navigate to Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services:

Right click the Automatic Updates service and stop it. You can also do the same thing at the command line by typing:


net stop wuauserv

or you can type this, which does the same thing, and is a little easier to remember:


net stop "automatic updates"

After the service is stopped, the nag message stops, too. Then you can reboot when you have time. The service will restart when you reboot.

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Well, it's not too hard to find out if yer PC has Hi-Speed (USB 2.0) or not. Right click "My Computer" select "Properties" (or from Control Panel go to "System") then select the "Hardware" tab. Locate and expand the Universal Serial Bus section.



If it shows an "Enhanced" USB Host Controller, then you have USB 2.0 capability. If not, then you have the slower USB 1.0 or 1.1

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Here's where you get one.

Once it arrives, you'll have to power down your computer and unplug it and take the cover off. Inside are white slots that back onto the rear of the computer's back plate. You may have to take a slot protector off which looks like a silver piece of metal to expose a hole in the back.

Then unpack the card and push it into the PCI slot with the USB ports exposed through the slit in the backplate and screw it in place. Put the cover back on, power up and install any software that came with the card.

If you have a laptop, you can get a USB 2.0 expansion card for the PC Card slot in the side of your laptop. You can get one of those here. Here's a four-port version.

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I want to buy a wireless router but Im not sure where to begin.


I have one desktop computer in my room and a wii setup in the living room. My brother has a psp and hes going to be getting a laptop at some point. So we want to get down with the wifi hook up.


Can someone reccomend a good router? What should I look out for as far as specs? Ive seen a few on ebay but I dont know if theyre cheap for a reason.




Any advice would be most a appreciated and props given of course.

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this is the router you need and want period




50 bucks ( you can hack it to a $600 router but not needed and works great



yeah, the GL is good. but i loaded my wrt54g v2 router with DD-WRT and i'm a happy camper.


i also got one of these ($10 rebate) http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?pfp=SEARCH&Ntt=trendnet&N=0&Dx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&D=trendnet&Ntk=All&product_code=344143


yes, it was worth it....

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