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"Microsoft is now working on a system that will back up the contents of your brain. The pilot project lacks a direct brain interface, but "MyLifeBits" will provide a simulacrum of actual memories. No mention is made as to whether Microsoft will claim to own the digital rights to the content of your life, or what license fees you will have to pay to access your own memories." Honestly this looks like a bunch of hooey to me, but I figured others would be better suited to say.

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"Microsoft is now working on a system that will back up the contents of your brain. The pilot project lacks a direct brain interface, but "MyLifeBits" will provide a simulacrum of actual memories. No mention is made as to whether Microsoft will claim to own the digital rights to the content of your life, or what license fees you will have to pay to access your own memories." Honestly this looks like a bunch of hooey to me, but I figured others would be better suited to say.



i almost reported you instead of quoting you. haha.


this is some serious shit. ever read "tech wars" by william shatner?

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see if you can find the tv show online. microsoft must've been influenced in some way by it.

i wish i could give you props for this... but it won't let me... tekwar was the shit...

oh and thanks to shai for pointing me in the right direction to get internet again...

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I cant change anything in my desktop background, except for the color. When I go to desktop properties I cant click browse, My pictures, or position, they're all grayed out. I don't think its a virus because I ran Adaware and it didn't change anything.



Some help would be much appreciated.


close everything... run it and reboot...

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I cant change anything in my desktop background, except for the color. When I go to desktop properties I cant click browse, My pictures, or position, they're all grayed out. I don't think its a virus because I ran Adaware and it didn't change anything.



Some help would be much appreciated.


ok either do a system restore back to when you remember it worked ( no more than 2 weeks)


or download this, its a registry key





save it and double click ( it will ask you if you want to merge click yes


restart the computer


and check if the desktop background works

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Im trying to fix one of my friend's deskop. It says it is connected to the internet but still, it says its not conected. Also, her desktop icon flicker from time to time.


I went to see if she had a viruis, but it only found one cookie, which was odd.


All This is Windows, Gateway Desktop.


When I go to safemode, the internet works, but the desktop is acting funny. It always brings up that window where it says "You are running under SafeMode" and it brings this pop-up.....




Whats going on here?

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First get the Firefox browser. It is much safer than Internet Explorer. It will cut down on the chances you will get spyware again.




What follows is a detailed guide of what you need to do to effectively remove spyware from yer computer. It will go in depth and requires a basic knowledge of a computer and a Windows Operating system of 2000 or newer. You may want to print these instructions out. This will require you to restart yer computer.




I'm sure you already did this, but just in case you forgot. BACK UP ALL YOU CAN. Back up yer important documents and files. There is a 99% chance you will not need these backups after these steps, but lets not take any chances.




The first step is to uninstall any of the spyware programs that have an uninstall option under ADD/REMOVE programs utility. Click yer start button. Then click settings. Then click control panel. Click for classic view if you are on XP or higher. Click ADD/REMOVE programs and look for anything that is obvious. WhenUsave, adspoper, or anything like that. When in doubt leave it be. The programs we will be downloading in a minute will get rid of all the spyware. It is just best to use the utility if you can. It more completely gets rid of them. You may also have to remove the program that came with the spyware when using this method. Thats OK. We don't want to support anything that comes with spyware, right?




This next thing you will do is download several programs. If yer computer is so infected that you are not able to access the Internet, you may want to use another computer and put them on a pen drive or CD. The programs you need to download are as follows:


1.Spybot Search and Destroy


2. SmitFraudFix


3. Free Avast! Antivirus


4.Lavasoft Ad-aware


5.LSP fix





Go ahead and install Spybot Search and Destroy. Make sure to uncheck tea timer when installing. If you were not able to get on the Internet, you will need to get the definitions file downloaded from another computer as well. This program installs empty and needs to download “pictures” of what the spyware looks like. After this is installed, run a scan. This is done by clicking search and destroy. When it is done right click the boxes and click select all. Then click fix and close spybot search and destroy. It is likely that it will tell you that it could not get rid of all the threats and it will ask you for permission to run again next time you start yer computer. Tell it NO.





Install Lavasoft's Ad-aware. Run the scanner and remove the spyware it detects. It might look like you got most of the mess off yer computer. If you are still getting a lot of hits do not worry. We are far from done. Close this program after it cleans the spyware.




Install Avast! Antivirus free edition.Where there is spyware, there is sometimes viruses also. When you are done installing this program you will need to update it. While this is not a very good Virus Scanner, it is free and will serve our purpose until we can get a better solution in place after the system is clean. After you update it, it will probably pop up with a few warnings that it has healed a virus. Use this program to run a scan on yer C:\ drive. When it is done clean what it finds and close the program.





Reboot the computer. Start pressing F8 right away. It is located at the top of the keyboard. Press it about every two seconds. A list of options, pick Safe Mode. Make sure you do not pick the one that says Safe Mode with Networking. (Spyware is most active with a connection to the Internet. It is their way of calling home.) Click yes to skip recovery. When you get to the a desktop that says safe mode everywhere, go to the next step.




Click on the SMITFRUADFIX program. This program is used to get rid of fake spyware programs. Unfortunately most spyware vender's on the Internet fall into this category. You will see a blue screen come up inside a console. It looks like a DOS program. Do not be alarmed. It is here to help. Press 2 on the keyboard. It will run through some scans. Click y to delete temp files and click y to clean the registry. When the program is done it will close itself. If you have to close it by yerself you will have to click CTRL ALT+ DEL at the same time. Then click new task. Right click any folder and click explore. This will bring the desktop back.





Run all the spyware scans again. I am sure you remember how. If not look back at the steps from before.





Restart the computer. This time let it load normally. When you get back to the desktop you should see a big difference. We can take it a step further. Lets make it so these nasties can not get back on. Here is what you need to do. Ditch Internet Explorer. Its trash. It is like an open windows that lets all the bugs in at night. You need to download firefox. After installing this new and improved browser, you have a few choices to make. You can follow these steps anytime you have an issue. But lets face it. By that time some damage has already been done. Someone might have some of yer personal info. Or you can check out our solutions page and get a program for professional protection. I wont try to steer you into any one product. They all work fine. Some just come with more bells and whistles. I just don't want you to throw money away at fake products. The ones listed are reputable. You can find them here with our reviews.

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So you followed all the steps.... mostly anyways.... and now you can not connect to the internet and or worse. You are getting a blank screen or Blue screen of death. Well don't throw that machine away. There is hope. The spyware infection was so bad that it corrupted some system files. Look for your symptoms below.


No internet connection: Are you still in safe mode? If so restart your computer. Next check your cable modem or DSL pipe. If it looks fine check your settings. OK, all that did not work. It might mean that the spyware messed with your TCP/IP files. It became so integrated with your computer that it was needed for internet access. Try running LSP fix. IIf that doesnt work go to start/run and type netsh winsock reset catalog. That should fix it. You may have to reenter your IP address if you have a static address. Only problem with this command is that you will have to install some programs that run their own custom LSP. Google desktop is one of these.


Blue screen: Hit F8 when booting and try safe mode. Does that let you in? If so then go to start and click run and type msconfig. Try turning off your start up services one at a time until your able to boot into windows. If you go through all of them then try clicking the start up programs as well. If that doesn't work, your best bet may be to do a recovery install of your operating system.


Last Resort:

When all else fails, or your computer just does not run the way it used to, you may need to reinstall Windows. This is usually done with a CD that came with the computer. Most new computers have a recovery partition built into the hard drive. When booting up the computer you may see something like: Press F12 to boot to recovery partition. If this is the case just do that and follow the instructions. If you are using the CD, just place the CD into the tray and restart the computer. When it boots up it should ask you to press any key to boot from CD. If you do not see this you will need to enter into BIOS and change the boot up order . Again, look at the screen when you boot the computer. It will say something like press press END to ENTER BIOS. Just press whatever key it requires and when you get to the BIOS screen you are going to look for something called boot sequence or boot order. You will change the CD-ROM drive to be the first on the list. Then make sure pick save and exit when quiting the bios. Reboot, press any key to use the installation disk. You can try the repair installation first. This will save all of your files, but might still leave traces of damage behind. If you can handle it, it is always better to go with a clean install.

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my power cord for my external hard drive is broken and one of the prongs is bent, I tried straighting it out but it still does not connect. its a Connect Computer 160GB external I was wondering if there is any solution, I called CompUSA and they claim that they don't sell the powercords and I would need to buy one for 100 bucks. I'm not doing that so I was wondering also if you can use another power cord for it.

any info appreciated

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my power cord for my external hard drive is broken and one of the prongs is bent, I tried straighting it out but it still does not connect. its a Connect Computer 160GB external I was wondering if there is any solution, I called CompUSA and they claim that they don't sell the powercords and I would need to buy one for 100 bucks. I'm not doing that so I was wondering also if you can use another power cord for it.

any info appreciated


you can probably go buy a little enlosure for a hd at compusa for $30

and then take the one drive out and put it in the new enclosure.

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