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go through yer add/remove programs and get rid of some shit


and do a system defrag


start>>>all programs>> accessories>>>system tools>> disk defragment


its gonna take awhile to run so do it like before you go to bed or when nobody is on for 4 hours at the most


to quote exactally what seefiks just said about fixing a slow computer

from what Jake Stevens asked

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Ok my 120z is tripping also on this computer when i would log in it was showing the thread from like 1 month ago. Then when i would hit my user cp it would just bounce back and forth from user cp and redirecting. Shit is crazy. I logged out and it still was a bit off. Someones trying to catch me riding dirty.


So let try that right now.

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;5840923']Computer is slow as shit' date=' i just ran Avast didnt find anything. What other tools can i use to fix the lag.[/quote']



pc? spybot search and destroy, spywareblaster, defragment, remove some programs you don't use, make backups of music you don't listen to and get rid of it from hard drive,











disable unneeded services





let us know if this helps or doesn't

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;5840984']I ran spybot and have active Tea timer on it. Have also Antivir activeguard. Just Ran Avast. didnt find anything. Ill try those after the defragment or should i try those other ones first.


spywareblaster is good to have. it just blocks anything on its list.


try that powerdefragmenter i posted (majorgeeks link) it's faster than winblows defragmenter.


and get firefox if you don't already have it (can wait until after defrag)


IE sucks and is slow.

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;5841027']Thanks Casek IE was tripping when i logged in it took me to the old site with the old start page then and i had to pick the top front page to get to the front and i also had to refresh to get the last post. Shit was on delay im running all the other shit you said.



some plugins for firefox you might like









adblock plus



adblock filterset G updater


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on the firefox


you will need some plugins to make it run well


do this in firefox ( click link and install)


adblock plus






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oh and after ccleaner is installed ( like for thr 100th time i have said this on the left hand side there is a list of things checkmark everything you see including in the advanced section now that you have everything checkmarked we want to uncheck a few


these are


in order


(Internet Explorer)

-Autocomplete Form History



-Hotfix Uninstallers

-Custom Files and Folders



now close yer internet browser ( it has to be closed for it to clean)


and then press Run Cleaner


for it being the first time it has run it will take 20 seconds or so


when it is complete run it again


after its done for the second time


on the left hand side select




select Scan for Issues


let it run might take a minute after it is complete select Fix Selected Issues


prompt will come up select no


second propmt will come up select Fix ALL Selected Issues


3rd prompt select OK


and do the same process over again

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Cool ill go through all that when i get back to work. I Started to use one of my other computers and that particular computer had major issues. I run firefox at home and on my main CPU but i was running IE on that particular one. It was seriously fcked. But the Firefox made it better, to run on. But i know i still need to fix all that other shit. Thanks Casek And Seff. I was tripping looking at old ass posts.

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im so pissed off, a little help please?


I have an HP pavilion laptop. running vista.

Last night it restarted after installing some update.

It rebooted and said 'Configuring update', this finished. then 'welcome' popped up.

at this point it froze. i waited about 15 mins and nothing. little loading egg-timer circle thing was frozen.

so i held down the power button to turn off.

Now when i turn it on, the laptop itself turns on (as in the lights come on, you can hear it etc) but nothing loads. the screen just stays black.

it also sounds like it is repeatedly trying to access the cd drive.


Is there anything i can do? it wont even begin to load so theres little to work with.

I hate laptop,s its only about 2 months old, i want to throw it out the window.

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hey poes,

you will need your windows vista dvd, put it in your comp and start it up, there will be a couple of screens come up, at the one that says "install windows" DO NOT click it, there should be a icon that says "repair computer" (or something similar). click on that. then i cant remember the next thing. but there should be a screen that lets you choose a "system restore" point. choose a restore point before you computer fucked up. and thats it. and you wont loose your stuff.

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well first lets try this poes


when you boot the computer press f2 key this will bring up the BIOS/CMOS in there select boot settings and set it to boot from harddrive save and leave when the splash screen comes up start pressing the F8 key if you are unable to get anything to come up power it down and back up again and press the F8 Key and you will get a screen with a list




if it does not come up try using the safemode option


and run the system recovery

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is there any way i can download a recovery disc from somewhere?



you can buy them from HP go to there site and put n yer information and serial number and they will send you some out ( also USE the HP help console that is what it is for they will know all the system tricks for yer laptop

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thanks i will try contacting HP.


the problem is when i turn the power on, the power lights come on etc. but the screen stays black. it doesnt load anything at all.

theres no way of getting to the safe mode menu. or anything.

you turn it on. u can hear the fan and the cd drive. but other than that nothing happens.

The screen stays the same colour as if the laptop was still off.

not even a flicker or anything. its weird.

theres pretty much nothing i can do as the only options i have are turn it on. then turn it off.

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some nerd shit right here


If you want proof that open source is turning the world on its head, look no further than this announcement that Dell will be distributing Solaris on select Dell PowerEdge servers. Said Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun:

A third of Solaris users are running Dell systems. Our customers love working with Dell, and this is an opportunity that began from the customer base. The big message is you've got a lot more choice this year than last year.

Sun moves downstream in terms of hardware while Dell moves upstream in terms of software. Innovation (of business models and of technology) meets in the middle.





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Internet search leader Google will install its maps feature at some gas stations next month. About 3,500 gas pumps will be fitted with an Internet connection and a small color screen. You can type in where you want to go, and the pump will display a map. It will even print directions for you.



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