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[reposting so it doesn't get lost on the last page]


Okay, new problem.


On my home computer, my mouse stopped working. It was working last night, then I did a LiveUpdate on my Norton and updated the software on my AVG antivirus program. I then restarted, as it told me, and I went to bed.


Woke up this morning and the mouse doesn't work. Keyboard does - just no mouse. It's an optical mouse. I've tried unplugging and plugging it back in; I've tried a second (non-optical) mouse I have laying around; I've restarted a few times -- nothing.


I went to use System Restore to see if that could resolve the problem, but the only restore point available to me was for April 28, 2007 (??!) - how can that be possible? Then I ran out of time and had to go to work and here I sit all frustrated.



Is is usd or ps2?


Well, the optical is a usb, but I use it with a ps/2 adapter. The non-optical is strictly ps/2.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Did you try to shut down and restart?


If that doesnt work...uninstall your mouse drivers, and reinstall.


If that doesnt work..go into device manager and see if your computer is pickup up the device and if there is a problem (like bad drivers)


Whatelse is plugged into your comupter?

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Did you try to shut down and restart?


Yes, many times.


If that doesnt work...uninstall your mouse drivers, and reinstall.


Okay, that'll have to wait until I get home. And navigating the fucking computer w/o a mouse is a pain in the ass.


If that doesnt work..go into device manager and see if your computer is pickup up the device and if there is a problem (like bad drivers)


Whatelse is plugged into your comupter?


All the normal shit: speakers, keyboard, cable modem - nothing weird, and I didn't change anything from when the mouse worked to when it didn't.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Well then it is not an interrupt problem (DAMN YOU A+ TEST!!!)



It could be one of two things....your mice's is kaput(or drivers are bad) or your ps2 plug is not getting a connect....


try getting some canned air and blowing the socket out...it could be a lot of dust and gunk in there not allowing a good connect.(doubt it) but just in case.



Yeah, not having a mouse to lean on is not good..but just use keyboard shortcuts and the tab and you should get where you want..here is a list of some


ALT+ENTER View the properties for the selected item.

ALT+ENTER Display the properties of the selected object.

ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened.

ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program.

ALT+ SPACEBAR Open the shortcut menu for the active window.

ALT+ SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window.

ALT+ TAB Switch between the open items.

ALT+ Underlined Menu Letter Display the corresponding menu.

BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.

CTRL + Dragging Item Copy the selected item.

CTRL+ A Select all.

CTRL+ C Copy

CTRL+ DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph.

CTRL+ ESC Display the Start Menu.

CTRL+F4 Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously.

CTRL+ LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.

CTRL+ RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.

CTRL+ SHIFT +Dragging Item Create a shortcut to the selected item.

CTRL+ SHIFT + Any Arrow Key Highlight a block of text.

CTRL+ UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph.

CTRL+ V Paste


CTRL+ Z Undo


ESC Cancel the current task.

F10 Key Activate the menu bar in the active program.

F2 Key Rename the selected item.

F3 Key Search for a file or a folder

F4 Key Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer.

F5 Key Update the active window.

F6 Key Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop.

LEFT ARROW Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.

RIGHT ARROW Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.

SHIFT + Insert A CD ROM Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing.

SHIFT + Any Arrow Key Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document.

SHIFT + DELETE Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin.

SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.

Underlined Letter In Menu Command Perform the corresponding command.

Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

END Display the bottom of the active window)

HOME Display the top of the active window)

LEFT ARROW Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder)

NUM LOCK+Asterisk Sign Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)

NUM LOCK+Minus Sign Collapse the selected folder)

NUM LOCK+Plus Sign Display the contents of the selected folder)

RIGHT ARROW Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder)

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Hey guys, is there a way to check the compatibility between certain routers and receivers online? Like a big compatibility list or something? I can't seem to find one.


For instance, my girl's family used to be all D-Link, but they decided to go with an all-in-one Verizon DSL Gateway (a Verizon ActionTec gt704-wg). Now, one pc (upstairs, a Dlink dwl-122) will barely hold on to a connection, and then just drops its. And they have to manually resetting the connection. Though their laptop connects fine no matter where it is.


Any ideas?

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Hey guys, is there a way to check the compatibility between certain routers and receivers online? Like a big compatibility list or something? I can't seem to find one.


For instance, my girl's family used to be all D-Link, but they decided to go with an all-in-one Verizon DSL Gateway (a Verizon ActionTec gt704-wg). Now, one pc (upstairs, a Dlink dwl-122) will barely hold on to a connection, and then just drops its. And they have to manually resetting the connection. Though their laptop connects fine no matter where it is.


Any ideas?



update the firmware on it, possibly invest in a repeater, maybe buy larger antenna extensions form the router, change the channel it uses to broadcast on.


lots of things you can do.

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mindvapors: there are sometimes compatability issues as far as how strong the wireless router signal strength is. i'd buy a set of larger antenna. if they don't work, return them.


tell ya what would look really good on you is if you show up to her folks house with a bag

of antenna.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
im not that sure mindvapor



poop (check for IRQ conflict) - do so in device manager and check the event logger for and errors


DAMN YOU IRQ!!!!!!!!

I am real tired of studying all the IRQs

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IRQ 0 System Timer

IRQ 1 Keyboard

IRQ 2/9 Video Card

IRQ 3 Open unless needed for Com 2 or 4

IRQ 4 Com 1, Com 3

IRQ 5 Open unless needed for LPT2 or sound card

IRQ 6 Floppy Disk Controller

IRQ 7 LPT1(parallel port)

IRQ 8 Real time clock

IRQ 9/2 linked to IRQ 2

IRQ 10 Open

IRQ 11 Open

IRQ 12 PS/2 Mouse

IRQ 13 Math Co-processor

IRQ 14 Hard Disk Controller

IRQ 15 Open

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i will make it a little easier




1. Right click on My Computer, then click on properties, then click on Device Manager. Or, click on Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel, Double-click System, and then click the Device Manager tab to display all devices.



2. An exclamation point ( ! ) in a yellow circle will appear next to the names of ports or device that are conflicting. Click the (+) sign next to Ports (COM and LPT) to display current ports.



3. You can move any devices from the conflicting ports to the new ports. or move the conflicting card to an new card slot. Then restart the computer, Windows should now detect the new attached devices.



4. Double-click the names of the conflicting COM or LPT ports. Click the check box by "Disable in this hardware profile."



5. Click OK, and then restart the computer. Windows should now detect the new serial or parallel ports and the attached devices.

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Warning: Changing system resources such as IRQ channels can result in your computer not functioning correctly, always make a note of the settings before you change anything so you can restore them back if required.

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shit, just have him reinstall winblows over the old.


you got to learn how to steal peoples money, just like a doctor (they know if you or someone has the chance to live or not they just prolong it and run all the test to run up the bill and make money

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haha. yeah. it's not hard, but that is to us. "users" don't like to delve into this shit, though.

they like to have it done quickly and be able to use their shit.


i haven't been keeping up wit pmb's problem, but here's a link for him



Another PC settings migration tool. Not the latest version but I believe CA only changed it once (in release r11) after they purchased Miramar in 2004. The product works with Windows 9X through XP and so it is still a fantastic tool for migrating PCs - especially if you have plenty, of course.


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weird(triple posting) . i am a good tech, but we aren't talking to someone we're working for, man.

what i try to do here is give people the most direct route to fixing their problems without having to delve into the more complicated aspects. they get frustrated easily.



i know that (i do the same ) but at the same time i am trying to teach people things so if they ever run into this issue again or knows someone else with the same issue they have other options then just blowing away the machine and starting from scratch a lot of people have many many years on the computer they will get more frustrated when the have to put it all back together again

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

I am not going to argue with the computer masters since I am merely an apprentice.


but IRQs are nothing to mess with on the "user" level.


That is all......






































I can kill you both....

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