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ok then well its fucked because lists need to be updated in realtime that shit is to slow its letting hackers in left and right



use those lists i gave you. if you find an update p2p list, post it.


those lists...man...there's something weird about some of them and i often wonder if peerguardian may one day sell out to a company and let one or two in while blocking competitors.

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when you download from p2p and torrent sites, govt agencies, etc scan you. trying to find out what you're downloading.

peerguardian attempts to block them.


it works very well. want a tutorial?


yeah PM me, im a paranoid person, sounds right up my alley...

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yeah PM me, im a paranoid person, sounds right up my alley...


no need to PM.





download the appropriate version



install it. then run it. go to list manager

add lists.






















add each one of those lists. one at a time and name them the names i have given you.


close, let the downloads take place and the lists construct in pg. you're done. download and feel a little more safe

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never heard of that company


yeah they only dropped in japan... it comes running linux out the box which I think sounds good. But I have to come off one of my old laptops for it. I was wondering if any 12ozers had used one.. I don't want to get it then end up realizing I hate it a month later..

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PG2 updates from Bluetack.

Many of the blocklists at bluetack are already incorporated into PG2. People who have doubled up on lists are putting a strain on the Bluetack servers updating PG2.

Bluetack have threatened to block updates to PG2.

Furthermore, Bluetack have changed a file extension, which may cause a problem, if it is then, download PG2 and reinstall.

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Many people are using P2P applications, from Azureus to Shareazza, eMule to BitComet. Some people figure that at any given time there are about 10 million people at any given time on all the P2P networks combined. Mind you, this is less than 1% of the planets population using these applications.


Using a P2P application is very risky, generally not a good idea, but then there are those 10 million people who are doing it anyways. Moreover, doing it at the risk of RIAA/MPAA lawsuits, worms, and porn named as something else, or files that have been input into the P2P networks as spam or fake files can generally get the computing system or you in trouble. The P2P networks are just as polluted and as spamy as yer inbox, yer blog, or in general the internet.


Each one of these p2p programs all rely on IPV4 that has an inherent track and trace ability built into the system so that TCP communications can happen and files can be downloaded. This makes it very trivial to find out the direct relationship between a file and an IP address. Because of that, many of the RIAA/MPAA lawsuits are based on an IP address, and then discovery through the ISP who owns that IP address back to a named account.


The problem with this technique is that it is not always accurate. If you forget to compute time zone differences, if the IP address is part of a block allotment that is used for Dial In or some broad band systems, if the IP address is behind a proxy system, or otherwise, the details of this technique can be flawed, and often are flawed if that time sequence, time zone computation from the program logs, or other ways of obfuscating the IP address are used.


Programs such as Protowall and block list manager (BLM) sit on the user's computer, and actively block IP addresses such as known RIAA, MPAA, Government, School, and Corporate IP address blocks. Protowall is very hard to install, BLM installation is easy, but when last checked, you could never delete the program without flattening and rebuilding the computer BLM was installed on. These programs though are highly effective at keeping known IP blocks off yer computer when using Peer-to-Peer systems.


As well, programs like eMule, Shareazza, and others also come with their own blocking program files called MET files. These files contain a list of known bad or known company/government IP address blocks and will not allow any connections to either download or upload anything to those known IP's. Using, maintaining, and updating MET files is a good way to deter people from seeing what is in yer shared directory.


The way companies get around MET files and programs like Protowall/BLM is to use their own DSL lines that are purchased from Qwest, Verizion or other telecommunication company so that they don't have to worry about programs and filters that are in the way of seeing what the person is sharing or what they might potentially be sharing on the computer networks.


Other tricks then are needed to make sure that what you are downloading is not immediately visible or if it is visible, that the IP address association is not going to work well.


This is where programs like TOR and Proxy systems can come handily in place. It is very easy to setup a TOR node and route all communications along the TOR network. It is also easy to use an offshore anonymous proxy (there are hundreds of them) to move yer communications along the network without being backtracked to the originating IP address.


Other simpler tricks are to keep yer shared directory empty, do not download anything that has any form of copyright restriction, or otherwise just stay away from the entire thing and purchase yer music the old-fashioned way, or use any one of a number of on line music/video stores.


If you are in intellectual property protection though, the folks who use these kinds of products or systems are all very clever in a world where most are not clever. When on an investigation, people using these programs or these techniques are often difficult to hunt down, and there are easier targets out there to find and bust. People who use BLM, Protowall and others can still be viewed because TCP needs that handshake if you are using a standard DSL line to do yer work on. As well, BitTorrent relies on trackers and sites to put up the file that BitTorrent relies on. It is easy to generate a take down notice for any copyrighted work on those sites given the countries Intellectual Property laws.


The current state of P2P makes it easy to find out who is sharing what, and even some Google searches can turn up what is in someone' shared directory on a computer. Some P2P users use programs that obscure, block, or otherwise reroute P2P traffic through anonymous networks that makes it harder to hunt them down and find out what they have on their computers. But the computation of time zone, geographic location, and sometimes even ISP can be difficult at best when the IP address is obfuscated.

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