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Does anyone know how I can play those old ROM games using an emulator?


I really want to play some Double Dragon, but have no idea how to do it, as my last effort resulted in nothing but a waste of time.


And I don't want to download ROM's form Limewire (I don't have it on my comp) so a download link would be nice.


You will have my eternal gratitude if you do.


And I stole the pics of my ball, using the screencapture method. Thanks Seffiks.

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ok, the network setup wizard on xp is gay.


when you run through it it wants you to either use your xp cd, or use a floppy to make a network disk.


my copy of xp came pre-installed on both my setups. one doesn't have a floppy.


fuck you windows. what am i supposed to do?




not use the wizard.

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To start the Network Setup Wizard, click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections. Under Common Tasks, click Network Setup Wizard.


Run the Network Setup Wizard on the host computer first. The host computer is the one that will share its Internet connection.


During the Network Setup Wizard, it is recommended that you create a floppy disk to run the Network Setup Wizard on Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium computers on your network.



you dont need the disk or floppy

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mac networking question for anyone who can help...


I have a DSL line hooked up to a router upstairs, I connect to the router from my mac downstairs wirelessly. My problem is that when I'm connected it seems like no matter what I do, my connection just sort of drops out randomly after awhile. My signal strength will be fine, but I'll just notice that my data has stopped (like if I'm dling a torrent, the speed just drops to 0.0kb) now all I do to get the connection back is click on the "renew DHCP Lease" button in control pannel and after a few seconds its back on. sometimes it takes a minute and while its renewing my IP will swap to somthing thats not right for about 20 seconds then pick up the right IP again. Its confusing as hell. Sometimes it drops after 15 minutes, sometimes it drops after 2 hours. any kind of troubleshooting I seem to do doesnt work. networking is somthing I'm not that experienced with, so if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it.

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mac networking question for anyone who can help...


I have a DSL line hooked up to a router upstairs, I connect to the router from my mac downstairs wirelessly. My problem is that when I'm connected it seems like no matter what I do, my connection just sort of drops out randomly after awhile. My signal strength will be fine, but I'll just notice that my data has stopped (like if I'm dling a torrent, the speed just drops to 0.0kb) now all I do to get the connection back is click on the "renew DHCP Lease" button in control pannel and after a few seconds its back on. sometimes it takes a minute and while its renewing my IP will swap to somthing thats not right for about 20 seconds then pick up the right IP again. Its confusing as hell. Sometimes it drops after 15 minutes, sometimes it drops after 2 hours. any kind of troubleshooting I seem to do doesnt work. networking is somthing I'm not that experienced with, so if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it.



check for router firmware updates.\ first.

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its an ISP supplied router, they had to swap the last one out for an unrelated problem so they gave me a new one and updated the firmware when they installed it.

I've also tried configuring my IPv4 manually AND using BootP and it still exhibits the same dropped connection problems, so it rules that out.

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Ars Technica article, with some disturbing news out of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Vint Cerf, one of the 'fathers of the internet', has stated that the number of botnets online is larger than believed. So large, in fact, that he estimates that at this point one in four computers is infected with botnet software. We've discussed the rise of botnets numerous times here on Slashot, but the image of 150 million infected computers is more than a little bit sobering. With the extremely lucrative activities that can be done with botnets (such as password ripping, spamming, DDoSing), as well as reports of organized crime adopting 'cyber-terrorism' as a new line of income, is it likely that law enforcement will ever be able to curb this particular bane?

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