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mindvapors: the important news or software shit related to tech usually gets posted here. mainter uses ars technica, i use digg.


we need to get on that tech news posting thing again. all of us. there's some enat shit happening right about now. x-mas time is always a neat time for tech.

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This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.

"If you're planning on getting a digital camera for yourself this holiday season, here's 10 reasons why you should choose a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera instead of a point-'n'-shoot. DSLR cameras are obviously not perfect for everyone. This article also has a couple of small blurbs about who shouldn't buy a DSLR, and a few things that could be deemed negative aspects of DSLR cameras."



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Novell Gets $348 Million From Microsoft


"Novell has published additional details about its agreements with Microsoft concerning Windows and Linux interoperability and patents. It seems the company is receiving an up-front payment of $348 million from Microsoft, for SLES subscription certificates and for patent cross-licensing. Microsoft will make an upfront payment to Novell of $240 million for SLES subscription 'certificates' that Microsoft can use, resell, or distribute over the term of the agreement. Regarding the patent cooperation agreement, Microsoft will make an up-front net payment to Novell of $108 million, and Novell will make ongoing payments totaling at least $40 million over five years to Microsoft."

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IT Worker Shortages Everywhere


"The software industry body Nasscom has warned that India faces a shortfall of half a million skilled workers by 2010. The country will need 350,000 engineers a year, but no more than 150,000 of the most highly skilled engineers will be available each year." This shortfall is fueling a new development, the exporting of Indian tech jobs to the US. But will there be workers in the US to do those jobs? Reader Jadeite2 writes with a word from Bill Gates, speaking to a business forum in Moscow, who said: "There is a shortage of IT skills on a worldwide basis. Anybody who can get those skills here now will have a lot of opportunity."



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Every Vista Computer Gets Its Own Domain Name


"According to APC magazine, every new Windows Vista computer will be given its own domain name to access files remotely. There is a catch though: to use it one must be using IPv6. Is the push for Vista also going to be the push finally to switch everything from IPv4 to IPv6?" Microsoft, meanwhile, is trying to convince businesses to adopt both Vista and Office 2007 at once. An analyst is quoted: 'In all likelihood, enterprises will tie deployment of both Vista and Office 2007 with a hardware upgrade cycle.' His reasoning is that it will be easier for companies to handle one disruption to IT systems than two. Or three.

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Core 2 Duo MacBooks coming this month?


Although the new Core 2 Duo chips haven't exactly lived up to their hype, it stands to reason that Apple will soon grace MacBooks with the Merom magic as it has with the MacBook Pros. When would such a bump happen? AppleInsider is reporting that the new C2D MacBooks may be coming as soon as this week, or possibly later this month. Still, we're more concerned about a second generation of MacBooks that fixes the whining, discoloration, heat issues, and other such problems, rather than the meager 10 percent boost a Core 2 Duo is going to bring to the table.



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Microsoft changes Vista licensing. Because many customers complained bitterly about new language in Vista's license agreement, Microsoft's gone and changed it. The old language said you couldn't install a legal copy of the OS on more than two machines--one initial box and then another box you purchased and transferred the license to. Big problem for folks that do a lot of PC modding. So MS just changed the license to let you install your legal copy of Vista on as many boxes as you want as long as you uninstall the OS off the old box first. (Source: InfoWorld)



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hey casek i am working on a home brew hack, i tried to search the internet on my cellphone today (a verizon wireless razr v3m, IT IS A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS so i decided to toss it out of the car window while in the parking lot trying to check my email took me like 10 minutes to get to gmail.com and type in my name and password . So after i was calmed down and noticed my keypad was fucked up and could neither dial a phone number or search the web anymore i want to hack the phone to be voice activated websearch, the the voice activated dialer still works for calling people but i want to search the web by talking to the phone like you can do with windows using the speech recognition feature (they prolly have this already but fuck it)



do you think its plausable?

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can anyone suggest a good "warez" site that wont install midget pr0n on my comp, or should i settle for a torrent site like demonoid (i resort to torrents as a last resort cause they dl very slowwww for me)


and if i dl alot of stuff from blogs, should i consider a paid rapidshare account to increase the pace of my downloads???

anyone here have a paid account?- what do you think of it??



as for the photobucket hack

google "photobucket exploit scipt"

some wierd "skiddie" site will come up with a string of code i dont understand.


thanks again



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can anyone suggest a good "warez" site that wont install midget pr0n on my comp, or should i settle for a torrent site like demonoid (i resort to torrents as a last resort cause they dl very slowwww for me)


and if i dl alot of stuff from blogs, should i consider a paid rapidshare account to increase the pace of my downloads???

anyone here have a paid account?- what do you think of it??



as for the photobucket hack

google "photobucket exploit scipt"

some wierd "skiddie" site will come up with a string of code i dont understand.


thanks again





you on dial-up? is that why torrents download slow for you?

if not, perhaps that cheap slow dsl?


if not that, maybe we can help you spedd up your downloading.

torrents shouldn't be extremely slow all of the time.


we'll get ya straight with that stuff if you need the help/advice.


as for rapidshare: don't pay for it. there are ways around it. google "rapidshare

hacks" and you'll see tons of workarounds.


thanks for the photobucket script thing.


let us know what's up.

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IEEE taskforce begins 18-month revision of laptop battery standard


If you were hoping that the IEEE would hurry those 802.11n proposals along, you're probably not thrilled to hear that an issue with a bit more precedence is probably taking top priority. While we WiFi freaks wait impatiently for the next-generation standard to get its own stamp of approval, the taskforce is now beginning the efforts to update the apparently insufficient "Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing." In a presumed attempt to make the next wave of notebook batteries carry less explosive tendencies, the IEEE 1625 standard is being updated "to further safeguard the reliability of laptop batteries." The standard itself "defines approaches for evaluating and qualifying such batteries, verifying their quality and reliability, and educating and communicating with end users," all of which should see fairly dramatic changes. The bad news is that the IEEE is estimating a full 1.5 years before the protocol can be updated, but assures the frightened consumer base that all major notebook / battery manufacturers "have indicated strong interest to participate" -- which makes perfect sense when those very companies are losing millions recalling the current designs.

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Nvidia Launches 8800 Series, First of the DirectX 10 Cards




The new top-end GeForce 8800 GTX and GTS from Nvidia launched today, and Loyd Case at ExtremeTech has done two articles: an analysis of the new GPU's architecture, and a benchmark article on PNY's 8800 GTX. The GPU uses a unified scalar-based hardware architecture rather than dedicated pixel pipelines, and the card sets the bar higher yet again for PC graphics." Relatedly an anonymous reader writes "The world and his dog has been reviewing the NVIDIA 8800 series of graphics cards. There is coverage over at bit-tech, which has some really in-depth gameplay evaluations; TrustedReviews, which has a take on the card for the slightly less technical reader; and TechReport, which is insanely detailed on the architecture. The verdict: superfast, but don't bother if you have less than a 24" display."

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