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Mounting ISO's


So I've tried mounting an ISO using DAEMONTOOLS to my hard drive, and i've tried burning the iso image to a cd, but when I try to run the program it still says "cannot find cd, etc". I downloaded and ran sd4hide.exe, but that hasn't helped either. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated, i've been dling these torrents for days and now I can't get them to work. thanks for the help



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Guest spectr

i would go to his house and show him how to drink for his birthday but i am tired, and half asleep watching funny utube graffiti movies i just watched one where this dude busted out his black book showed what he wrote the gave his phone number to call him for tat's and no i wont post the link even though he most likely does deserve it.

oh yeah and i have no clue where he lives and it's to late to get liqour.

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Alright guys, enough with the party. I need some quick advice.


Decent laptop for my mom under $1K. At most, should be able to run financial applications smoothly, at least, should be reliable. I'm a total Machead so I have no clue what's leading the pack in PC's. I know Compaq sucks, and Dell hasn't been doing too good lately, but that's about it.


I might need to go out and buy this today so the sooner the advice the better. Thanks dudes, as you were.

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