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I signed up to Demonoid, and in the last few weeks I have probly downloaded about 2gig of data, but up the top of the page where it says your username and ratio, it displays me as having niether uploaded or downloaded anything, ie 0kb.

Does this give me licence to leech like a mother fucker?


I have been booted from other log in forums because I never seem to download popular enough files that I get a good ratio, no matter how long I let the file upload from me. I dont really want to get booted from demonoid because its hard to get in + its quite a good board.


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Why isn't my ratio being reported properly?

There are a few reasons your ratio isn't updating properly. If the server is unresponsive, slow, or overloaded, the "event=stopped" message which is required to update your stats may become lost. Similarly, a faulty, experimental, or beta testing a client, may also cause your stats to be misreported. Another possibility is the site may have a different IP associated with your account than the one you sent the "event=stopped" message with. If your client supports DHT and it is enabled any data transfered via these means will not count toward your ratio.

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# What are the best practices for ensuring my ratio is updated correctly?

There are a few things you may try to ensure a proper ratio update.


* Be sure you are using a compatible client. Many clients do not follow the bittorrent protocol properly. Use experimental and beta versions at your own risk. If you're not sure what is compatible or not, be sure to check out this forum thread. It's a pretty coherent list of clients which have been through a battery of tests.

* If you have dynamic IP and/or sign in from multiple locations, the site may have the wrong IP address associated with your account. The best way to remedy this is to sign out of the main site (torrent side), sign back in, and browse the site for a bit. This should refresh your IP.

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Hey Mainter...you called it on the hangover thing. I'm just starting to feel human again. I keep forgetting I can't drink like I used to anymore.


Anyway, I still don't have a working tiny XP ISO. Demonoid seems like it has tons of stuff, but my DL speed is really bad right now. I just wanted to know if you know of a good torrent for this on there with plenty of seeds....this seems to be a hot item, and it's taking forever to get it.

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Thanks...I think I tried this torrent before, too. It doesn't appear to have any seeds right now, but I'm going out for the night....I'll just let it run and check on it when I get home in the morning.


Nice to have TPB back....you heard they got raided recently, right?


I wonder if that had anything to do with the Pirate Party.

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that shit is some old news they were back up within 72 hours


Well, la-di-da...all I know is there's still no seeds for that tiny XP torrent.


Fuck it, I'm outta here. Have a good one.


Oh, MES..ask Mainter...he's the Firefox cheerleader.

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Iron Lung I have not had to do that for a long time so my suggestion is

1. Log on as a user other than the user whose profile you are copying files to or from.

2. In Windows Explorer, click Tools, click Folder Options, click the View tab, click Show hidden files and folders, click to clear the Hide protected operating system files check box, and then click OK.

3. Locate the C:\Documents and Settings\Old_Username folder, where C is the drive on which Windows XP is installed, and Old_Username is the name of the profile you want to copy user data from.

4. Press and hold down the CTRL key while you click each file and subfolder in this folder, except the following files:

• Ntuser.dat

• Ntuser.dat.log

• Ntuser.ini

5. On the Edit menu, click Copy.

6. Locate the C:\Documents and Settings\New_Username folder, where C is the drive on which Windows XP is installed, and New_Username is the name of the user profile that you created in the "Create a New User Profile" section.

7. On the Edit menu, click Paste.

8. Log off the computer, and then log on as the new user.


all this is from microsoft


my suggestion was pretty damn close after not doing it in like 3 years and having 1 to many beers


so i get to step 3 and when i try opening the old username folder, it says access denied. i tried to switch the Guest username (the one im using to do all this) to Administrator status but it doesnt even give me that option. do i have to create a new profile to do all this or can i just use the Guest profile thats already setup? on top of all this crap, while trying to copy links last night i completely erased hundreds of bookmarks i had saved. these confounded machines ...

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So lately i have been experiencing a great deal of troubles with my internet browser as it often closes on certain websites I click on. Such as hotmail it will close as soon as I click on a new message and another example being google image search, which will automatically close any link I click on via there, these are just a few examples. I originally thought it was because I was using shitty internet explorer. So I made the switch to Firefox but none the less the problem still persists any idea anyone?

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ok, i've got some problem that's bugging me a bit.


ok, usually at school, i hit off emails to people from another school, using the school email. all was good. however, they suddenly blocked outgoing emails to that schools email, but i can still recieve them. they're registered in my sent items box but nobody is getting them.


is there a way around this? cheers.


edit: and no i wont use hotmail or anything, shit's really slow on the school network.

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so i get to step 3 and when i try opening the old username folder' date=' it says access denied. i tried to switch the Guest username (the one im using to do all this) to Administrator status but it doesnt even give me that option. do i have to create a new profile to do all this or can i just use the Guest profile thats already setup? on top of all this crap, while trying to copy links last night i completely erased hundreds of bookmarks i had saved. these confounded machines ...[/quote']

wow umm never had that issue before


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811151/ go here and read

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ok, i've got some problem that's bugging me a bit.


ok, usually at school, i hit off emails to people from another school, using the school email. all was good. however, they suddenly blocked outgoing emails to that schools email, but i can still recieve them. they're registered in my sent items box but nobody is getting them.


is there a way around this? cheers.


edit: and no i wont use hotmail or anything, shit's really slow on the school network.

nope you got to talk to the school admin to have them unblock port stmp port # 25(default) on the firewall

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shai' date=' is it up yet?[/quote']


I don't know...oh, I'm still out and about, so, no.....I'll let you know when I get home. I may go with the other ISO image you mentioned.


What I should say is that if you want or have to stop seeding, go ahead.

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