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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


you'll need one of those extra molex's lying around.

but the one with two of the holes with metal in them.

the other two are plastic holes.


if you ahve some old parts around, i'm sure you can dig one of those up...or make one....

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


I have some of those...so, the male or female end?


Female, is my guess.


And, yes...we're all gonna die, but I'm not in a hurry one way or the other...sheesh, you think that a bunch of tech guys would be impressed that someone even THOUGHT to ask these kinds of questions.


You know...I need to do this first. What do you know about BIOS for a Micron Millennia? It's got an ASUS board and Celeron processor...some old box my roommate found in Berkeley. As usual, he wants me to wave my magic wand over it and say, "ALA PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES!" and make it work. It seems to be another Phoenix BIOS, which is cool because I'm familiar with them...I just need to switch around the boot order and look at a couple settings, make sure they're good to go.


It seems like it was a nice setup at the time...there's some interesting stuff here to play with. It didn't have an ethernet card, but I happened to have one laying around, lucky guy. He's been patient, so I want to surprise him when he gets back.


Oh, it's going to be running Linux, of course...in case that makes a difference.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>





we are impressed shai, and glad. female end is what you'll need.

the red and black wires are the ones to keep. red is live, black is ground.

snip those and give yourself enough room to work.


at the top is the link to your support files for he micron.


http://www.casemodgod.com/HSF_funnel.htm there's something that will come in handy.


p.s.: give the old micron some ubuntu!

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


damn. i tried setting up knoppix 3.6 on my older comp but after it does the scanning at the beggining the monitor goes on standby. i was able to install knoppix with this other thing called myth...from the article i posted somewhere up there but i guess my video isnt good enough cause it also goes on standby...

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Hey, Ride The Fire...there's usually a config screen that will ask you to choose between Xorg or Xvesa...did you see that?


If you're on AIM, I'm CoolCalmChris...I can try to guide you through it. Maybe casek will jump in, as well.


Better yet, use Mepis. Knoppix seems to be more troble than it's worth (sorry, casek), and Mepis fires right up...plus, it has apt-get, so all the packages you can get in Knoppix are available.


Trust me on this.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


RTF- the reason I wanted to do this on AIM is because it's kind of complicated, and it would be easier to explain it in real time.


Casek, I don't know...I just thought you could add something to the conversation.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Okay, no pressure...I'm right there with ya. Thanks for the pointers, once again. I've got a million things to do, and I'd like to go out and pretend to be social tonight.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Hey, Ride The Fire...there's usually a config screen that will ask you to choose between Xorg or Xvesa...did you see that?


If you're on AIM, I'm CoolCalmChris...I can try to guide you through it. Maybe casek will jump in, as well.


Better yet, use Mepis. Knoppix seems to be more troble than it's worth (sorry, casek), and Mepis fires right up...plus, it has apt-get, so all the packages you can get in Knoppix are available.


Trust me on this.


Im going to go eat real quick and no i didnt see Xorg or Xvesa. Right now im downloading Mepis so it should be done in 15 mins. Ill hit you up when im done eating.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


my mouse stopped working and my screen froze earlier.. perhaps caused by the opportunity to see still images of Alex Kingston (Dr. Corday from ER) naked (she's a chick, no homo)..


any way I had to force turn-off my cpu and am running a scan right now with ewido and avg free,


any other tools I should be using?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


damn bro you sure you are ready for linux?


Put MEPIS Linux CD in and boot up and play around see if it detects your hardware properly, etc.

now once your ready to install just click MEPIS Installation Center link on your desktop.

Login user: demo pw: demo

root user: root pw: root


tell me if you need a step by step

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


my mouse stopped working and my screen froze earlier.. perhaps caused by the opportunity to see still images of Alex Kingston (Dr. Corday from ER) naked (she's a chick, no homo)..


any way I had to force turn-off my cpu and am running a scan right now with ewido and avg free,


any other tools I should be using?



just your mouse froze? check your connection in the back ( screen freeze common issue if you have a slow system install more memory

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


damn bro you sure you are ready for linux?


Put MEPIS Linux CD in and boot up and play around see if it detects your hardware properly, etc.

now once your ready to install just click MEPIS Installation Center link on your desktop.

Login user: demo pw: demo

root user: root pw: root


tell me if you need a step by step


ahh that is what i needed. i got it running. it would get to the login screen but had no clue what to type in. thanks.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Hey, RTF- I'm on here and AIM for at least the next 45 minutes.


If you got the login screen for MEPIS, that's a good thing, you're doing fine...the logins are "root" for root and "demo" for demo. Root gives you the option of installing to HD, demo is just a live CD session w/o root access. I'll tell you how to set up your boot sequence....when you get back to me.


It's a very easy system to use. Don't be scurred.


Oh, this is important- If you plan on installing ANYTHING to your HD, either use an old HD...or backup anything you don't want to erase to another drive or CD, because you'll have to format and partition your HD and thus wipe out anything on there.


The installer will explain all of this, but I want to stress the point. I only had to do this once to learn the hard way.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


damn. i had a crash. lost almost everything on my c: drive.

just got stuff back up an running. ugh. well, always a good time to start over.

people, take my advice and either be a minimalist or back shit up on the regular.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Wow, fun party...at least the tables and chairs showed up.


I know, casek...all too well. Sorry, let me know if I can help you out with anything...like those mp3 files of my group (hint, hint). It's the least I can do.

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