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I know this is probably a lame question and i'm prepared to get flamed for this but how do you get a stencil two-toned? I just got into stenciling and when I add a 2nd color I always mess it up. Any advice? also, are you guys pasting up posters or just spraying onto a wall? what do you use to protect it from getting buffed?

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I know this is probably a lame question and i'm prepared to get flamed for this but how do you get a stencil two-toned? I just got into stenciling and when I add a 2nd color I always mess it up. Any advice? also, are you guys pasting up posters or just spraying onto a wall? what do you use to protect it from getting buffed?


2nd, 3rd, 4th, doesnt matter what layer/color, you have to work off of "registration marks"..


Also, if you dont mind choppy layers, adobe will seperate your layers until you get your game tight...


If youre gonna get on canvas with your stencilz, you need to learn the wayz of the spray tack!!


If youre doing portraits, concentrate on grey scales before trying skintones!!


Remember, you cant beat the buff!!!!

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whats the buff have to do with this right here?

no, you dont need spray adhesive or registration marks, they help sometimes but they arent gonna speed up this learning curve, you get a stencil 2 toned by cutting 2 fuckin stencils and putting one over the other. all that shit should be figured out before you start the cutting though. fuck around with some imiges' brightnerss and contrast levels untill you see shit you like. no easy answer, adobe churns out garbage 95 percent of the time, its not gonna do the work for you, play around with it, the internet does not have virtuall experience points, forget the catchy bullshit phrases bout buffs and shit, peas

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:confused: :confused:

Hope I helped a little Xena.. You may want to read the entire thread and search elsewhere for tutorials.

I read most of this thread tonight, and it has much better advise than: "cutting 2 fuckin stencils and putting one over the other".


I heart stickerz..:lol:

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im sorry kid, not trying to come off as a huge dickhead but you need to get off the fuckin internet and give shit a try and instruct other people to do the same. no one would ever figure shit out for themselves if everyone had your attitude. your in the graff photos section buddy , not the holding people hand and giving step by step instructions section. i cant imagine why youd read the whole thread, think about all the actual graff you could have gotten done.

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So much hate.

And before you start insulting me as well Shake, I suck, but I do try.

I think like all of graffiti, and any form art, or skill or anything, trial and error until you get it right, or it looks right and you like it.

But when you're stuck asking helps, but sometimes you get shitheads who hate on you for asking.

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   /grəˈfiti/ Show Spelled[gruh-fee-tee]


markings, as initials, slogans, or drawings, written, spray-painted, or sketched on a sidewalk, wall of a building or public restroom, or the like: These graffiti are evidence of the neighborhood's decline.


circa 1851, for ancient wall inscriptions found in the ruins of Pompeii, from It. graffiti, pl. of graffito "a scribbling," a dim. formation from graffio "a scratch or scribble," from graffiare "to scribble." Sense extended 1877 to recently made crude drawings and scribbling.


pop a dictionary open guy, if its on a wall and if its illegal it doesnt matter how its put their. fuck your labels, the words been around before you were a twinkle in your grandads sack so excuse me while i disregard your new super exclusive fad driven redefinition

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  • 3 weeks later...

god dam im off 12 for a couple weeks and this fag

motherfucker thinks he can start talkin shit .. i fuckin

told u befor u need to get the fuck off this website

cus no one wants to hear u BITCH about every fuckin

thing posted.. ur such a fuckin poser ass faggot with

ur illustrated stencils and shit... go suck a dick and

shut the fuck up mister bitch ass shake like i told u

before ill never stop this shit cus ur such a little hatin

fag bitch and i guarentee id burn u at what ever the

fuck i want including graff stencils fuckin bitches and

oh ya fuckin ur mom.. ill never state my shit online

either bitch i remain anonymous but chances are uve

all heard of me

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ya im really the one hiding behind my moniter...

looks like you spend a lot more fuckin time on

a computer than real fools doin graf on the street

your just a little fag bitch that still lives with his

mommy btw tell her i said hi.. and i aint cryin

just not lettin this little bitch talk a mouthfull of

shit any chance he can without catchin some heat

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ur talking about trolls, with a 6 minute response time?? WOW... paint some more stickers kid..


Anywys fireball, there are free and cheap programs(plus, the ol' eyeball) that will seperate your layers better.. grayscale stencils are great with just three colors.

Maybe just try printing, cutting, and spraying for a bit.


If you want a stencil thread that masterbate hasnt run into the ground, u may have to search elsewhere...

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considering your the only one talkin shit you should shut the fuck up and find the door.

post a pic of a stencil youve done there slap dirty, untill then drop the mr miyagi routine, you clearly never done the shit your preaching about. pathetic fuck, keep tryina troll me, your the one fucked this thread up with all the lofty horse shit you come in here and recite

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"grayscale stencils are great with just three colors."


hahahahaha you fake fuck you dont even know what your saying. hows a GREYSCALE stencil gonna have colors huh? you fuckin retard you defitly never even cut a stencil talkin bout greyscale stencils. you can spray any colors through a stencil. so i guess the real question is what the fuck have you been thinking greyscale means, and why you in here fronting so hard?

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dam masterbitch ur just a true ass bitch

learn to keep ur fuckin mouth shut and

critisizing everything everyone says and

does. u think ur the shit?, ur a fuckin toy

and a lil faggot ass bitch.. talk about troll

hahahahahahahhahhahh look at this guy

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