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Issac Brock

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Great, that sounds super productive.



certain person from my crew to another: "yo deth's on the phone, talk to him"


other person: "Nah, fuck that nigga..."


does pissing people off include crew members? If so, from the sounds of it, i'm in the lead.


I think they're just jealous of your long dancer's legs.


And Leezy I think we need to have an annual graff n dance pancake and blunt breakfast. I'll even host it as long as all beef is settled where my shit wont get broken, cuz y'all wouldnt like me when my shit gets broken.

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Cartoons are so terrible now.... I bet the original TMNT + P. Rangers ....would murder the ones of today in a steel caged death match ......


Ronin warriors was my shit.......and that one where the green motorcycle turned into a helicopter can't think of the name .....oh yeah MIGHT MAX was watched daily b4 school.


“back in the day when I was young...I'm not a kid anymore....but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again”...gr8 song


Can some1 loan me some thin caps? Promise to return after I clog them up.

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i do respect those who came before me and i am sure i was around long before SWL was formed. as far as finding my own spots, i only go over people who deserve it or shit that is now irrelevant, kind of like a dead crew that has no historical significance.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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one of the more fucked up nights I have had in a while, and I feel like sharing with you.

first, a little 90 pound blond haired white hoe that is apperently a michigan state fan

told me to fuck off, and proceeded to stare me down for a good 30 minutes. made me nervous. actually, white people make me nervous period. my boy and I sat in a mcdonalds drive through for 32 minutes, and they still fucked up our order. my boys brother drove 45 minutes, 45 got damn long minutes, for a fucking harry potter movie for him and his girl to watch. and finally, I won a game of madden, 40-35, time of possesion, me 26 almost 27 minutes, my homie, a little over 2 minutes. how the fuck do you score 35 points with 2 minutes of possesion. good talk. anyone actually paint lately? or are we all still on our periods? and let the hatred begin...

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paks throw is original none of that hipster letter shit. woop



Excuse my ignorance but ...what are hipster letters??





PS: set a bumfire 2day....5hrs later I still smell like garbage ..... God I love my life

PPS: I just realized EATER is my fav for 2010

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