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Issac Brock

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hmm i didnt know i painted with ward??? wierd


No, you didn't. And I wasn't trying to play it off like you did either. Not that it even matters. I'm not complaining or anything but you did come and paint in my yard and pretty much burned out all of the freights that were sitting back there so when I went to go paint, I had limited space. Furthermore, you went over some of my hands in the process and you had no problems painting on a car next to one of my old pieces that was sitting back there so I don't know why you'd ever say anything.


I was with REFT when I painted that and he didn't seem to care at all. I don't know why either of you would anyway. It's not like I brought down the quality of the car(at least in my opinion).

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No, you didn't. And I wasn't trying to play it off like you did either. Not that it even matters. I'm not complaining or anything but you did come and paint in my yard and pretty much burned out all of the freights that were sitting back there so when I went to go paint, I had limited space. Actually I was with REFT when I painted that and he didn't seem to care at all. I don't know why either of you would. It's not like I brought down the quality of the car(at least in my opinion).


In any case, if you're butthurt over the fact that it looks like we painted together then you need to step off your high horse.



you must think tht im mad you painted between us... i really dont care.

you posted flicks of the car we painted and then posted it after you painted it. tht is all. you must have thought at somepoint that i was insisting you were siebusting. it was a measly comment.

your yard??? you mean the yard thats by YOUR house... im sure reft can bck me on knowing about that yar before you or I was in the game.


but why dont you let your shit get benched before posting your flick of your spot right after you paint it??

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It was a measly comment but I knew what you meant by it.


No, I mean it's my yard because I'm the only one smashing it on a regular. I'm sure many have come before me and many will come after but for now this is my yard and you should respect that.


I flick and post what I want because I have a nice camera and I can.

I don't have to sit and wait hoping that someone else might take a flick of it and I'm proudly able to say that I have all of my freights documented. I see nothing wrong with that. It's just preference.

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It was a measly comment but I knew what you meant by it.


No, I mean it's my yard because I'm the only one smashing it on a regular. I'm sure many have come before me and many will come after but for now this is my yard and you should respect that.


I flick and post what I want because I have a nice camera and I can.

I don't have to sit and wait hoping that someone else might take a flick of it and I'm proudly able to say that I have all of my freights documented. I see nothing wrong with that. It's just preference.




whatever floats your boat i guess... you obviously were confused by the comment i woul have sai the same thing if it was gasm.

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