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Issac Brock

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so i gave up the weed... the 5, stuck the dank in my boy's face an asked how dose it smell???? ....he said dammmn..!!! that smell's like sum green's.... the cop said, no smell's like you got ripped off........!!!!!!!! an my people cald me bitch.. bit hey, fuck them....i didnt need my name 2 get ran..........

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so i gave up the weed... the 5, stuck the dank in my boy's face an asked how dose it smell???? ....he said dammmn..!!! that smell's like sum green's.... the cop said, no smell's like you got ripped off........!!!!!!!! an my people cald me bitch.. bit hey, fuck them....i didnt need my name 2 get ran..........


speak english.:confused: :lol:

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so i gave up the weed... the 5, stuck the dank in my boy's face an asked how dose it smell???? ....he said dammmn..!!! that smell's like sum green's.... the cop said, no smell's like you got ripped off........!!!!!!!! an my people cald me bitch.. bit hey, fuck them....i didnt need my name 2 get ran..........

you too?:lol:

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what in the sam hell are you?:confused:




here my question... honestly, whats wrong? seriously.... everyones saying little one liners, but no ones saying why im so shitty? thats why im here, to learn more and do more. that flick is the 3rd peice ive ever done, and the first peice was the day before that. so wwhy all the hatin? i dont mind critisism but fuck. let me know why im so horrible, and seriously, done say, "because your gay" i wasnt born yesterday i know hoe forums work. i knwo theres alot of asshats out there but im not one of them. so let me know.

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dude, look at other graff, then look at yours.

that's what wrong.

you dont know what you're doing. you dont know how to break down and change a latter. you still think (as all beginers do) that adding some jaggedy shit or extra bars makes things fresh. 10 times out of 10 it makes it worse.

people arent saying why its not good, because 'everything about it' is why it's not good.

not trying to be a dick, it's just truth. shit takes years to learn, dont expect to do so in a couple weeks.

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shit takes years to learn, dont expect to do so in a couple weeks.



well thank you. thats the kind of critisism that i was looking to get. i knwo it takes more that a couple weeks... i know it takes years. I have a cousin that lives in the bay area, hes been "Taggin" (yes i said "taggin.") since i was like 5. he still does it, and he still loves it. ive been drawing for years and recently started graff. Most people respect the hobbie/lyfestyle as it is. whether its good or bad. Im also big into Lowriders. if i see a shitty lowrider driving down the road, im not gonna spit in his face im gonna respect the fact that hes trying to do what he likes to do. im still into the same shit yall are into. thats art. no one should tell someone how to create art. it should just be done. im sorry that u guys can read what i painted clearly. maybe ill distort the shit out of it next time so u guys cant read it, and that will make it better. but until than, im gonna keep on practicing what im doing how i want to do it, and if u guys wanna critique me than thats fine. I dont even care if ur gonna be a dick about it, some people are jsut like that, still its fine with me, but im still planning on meeting some people on this site that are cool and like doing this shit. so yea, i dont plannin on goin no where, and if u dont like me..thats cool... kick rocks.



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i can handle it, but your not telling me whats bad about it.... you said shit about jagged lines and shit, im wondering if your even loking at MY work.... theres no "jagged" lines. from what i see, its all rounded off if anything.... so if your gonna critisize me, tell me whats wrong with it in your own opinion. thats what critisism is, not trying to make someone feel like a peice of shit.

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