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Issac Brock

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since you guys love drama so much...

i swear, this city has lost it's mind. i can't decide which is worse, cat's completely ripping off TGV's whole steeze (money and eggs) or cats spot jocking so hard, that if they aren't painting a spot that's been done 20 times, they'repainting one nearly right on top of someone (aks). are you guys fucking retards? going over tead, spot jocking bis? do you guys honestly think that bis wont wipe out every single spot you guys have in one night? do you think it's kosher to almost paint right on top of someone to get a spot when there are 3 buildings right next to it that all had empty wall space? this isn't NY, you could paint a virgin spot every night for 3 years here, there is no need to jock peoples spots, and even worse, it just makes you look like a total sucker. you get negative ups for moves like that. double negative when it's someone like bis. it's cool that people are putting in the effort to go out, but it's not cool that they don't have an original bone in their bodies. i see money and eggs every where i walk, and nearly every time, it looks like it could have been done by iowa and esau. if you're going to take the time (and risk) to paint, why not atleast make a half assed attempt to come up with your own god damn style? theres one spot with a FALL piece that says 'born to run', money paints RIGHT next to it, and writes 'born hard'?!?! huh? is that a joke or something? it must be. for all the bagging on jlaw, atleast the couple spots ive seen that dude has, haven't really been done, and no matter how ugly they are, atleast he's doing his own thing instead of taking the easy way out and just copying a proven formula.

or maybe i'm the only one that cares about ethics and respect?

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seeking, as far as abandon buildings go, i figure its a good way for people to see your shit, even thought a million other writers have gone up there before you, i mean no disrespect. maybe im dead wrong but i see it as a gallery of sorts, after all it is art right? as far as going up on the street where others have already gone up, just about every wall in the city that i have hit was a fresh wall (with the exception of 1 or 2 when i first started getting out, but i dont do that anymore, out of respect). maybe you think im a total dumbass and shouldnt even be writing, but im very young to graffiti, it doesnt mean that i love it any less than you or someone else that has been doing it for years. and please dont take this post the wrong way , im not trying to talk shit at all, its just my opinion. im probably way off, but if i were a respected writer i wouldnt have a care in the world if anyone tagged the same building as me, its just not my personality.

no disrespect, peace,


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dude, no offense, but i have no clue who you are, so unless you are one of the specific people i mentioned, i probably wasn't talking about you.

and i wasnt talking about spot jocking in abandoned buildings. that shits a free for all, whatever. i'm talking about street spots. and you can say you wouldnt care now, but i gurantee if you take the time to go out and find new spots that haven't been done, you'll be pissed when you get side busted. every 'established' writer in the city that i can think of all frown on that, so maybe that should tell you something. in a city where space is limited, it's not an issue, but in detroit there is no reason on gods green earth for that shit to be happening. there are too many spots to keep painting the same ones over and over, and dick riding the spots that other people get.

and if you need a 'practical' reason to be annoyed by it, 4 pieces on a wall are a hell of a lot more likely to get buffed than just one.

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i know your post wasnt directed at me, im not money, eggs, or in aks. so im not worried about it, i was just talking about myself as an example. sure writers have the right to be pissed about spot jocking, i just dont think that i would be, maybe if someone put some bullshit up, but if it was decent...maybe ill change my position on that opinion over time...


as far as the abandon building comment that i made, i thought you were referring to the pic above your original post.


ps, i thought that i saw that tead piece was already burned by scam or something before death touched it, i just dont think that you can see it in the pic that was posted a few days ago, i could be wrong...




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naw, i wasnt talking about your pieces at all. i didnt even notice you posted that till just now.


i'm not gonna 'yell' at anyone, you all can do whatever you'd like, i'm just passing along the knowledge that's been passed down to me from testablished writers, and the people they all learned from. if you want to ignore it because it's coming from me, or you think it's stupid and archaic, then feel free, but don't be surprised when the cats that have been painting for years give you no respect just for how you conduct yourselves.

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Ok, simply put, A spot is always easier once it has been done before, It does not require the same amount of balls for doing it , or brains for sussing it out.


Therefore sidebusting or spot jocking is wak. Graffiti isnt just about what you do , its how, where and why you do it. The latter three descriptives are not quite as apparent but equally important to a trained eye.



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