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Issac Brock

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i'm not 'not' relaxed. you gotta understand bro, i've been living/writing in this city for ten years now (on and off). imagine how many times i've had people mover talks. before i even had a single piece on a wall, i was trying to figure out how i could paint that fucking thing. it's the great white elephant that looms over all of our heads (in far more ways than one).

i know things come across poorly on the internet, but i honestly wasn't trying to insult you, just give you some advice that was given to me.

'sall good.

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rip, you need to be on AIM more often.

i ended up out of town last weekend, and theres been nothing laid up recently anyway. pickins are mighty slim. :(

i had considered widdling down the thread, but decided i didn't care. threads are reflections of the city, i can't change either one.

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heh-i get you man. by all means i respect you and like your shit--understand i am a kid out of chicago though. there, the entire graff scene revolves around the elaborate train system. tons of cleans and rooftops and visable-from-train (line spots) done constantly. so the second i hit detroit its obviously gonna be the first thing i notice and think of. it is a pretty pathetic train. i mean come on. its like a 2 mile radius. check out the chicago system-


The Richest suburbs to the ghettoist projects. Is ghettoist a word?


***lets rock that badboy as a link, instead of an image that blows out the whole screen, cool? ;)

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i don't really mind jlaw too much.

ok, that's a lie, dude sucks pretty hard and i really wish he would stop writing for a while and spend some time with a pencil and some paper, but whatever, this isn't about what i want. i've seen him use some col ink, and while his name blows chettah ass, atleast it's not 'cope3' and he's not biting either esau or tead. of course if he did bite a littel it would probably do him some good, but whtever. theres no reason to hate the kid until he comes on here being cocky. once ego's and internet get involved, then it's time to strt hating.


this message was brought to you by tim hortons super sugar filled donuts at 4am.


seeks/murda dem

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Does everyone realize that seeking said the most hilarious thing in the world here??


<big text>Seeking: "once ego's and internet get involved, then it's time to strt hating."</big text>






:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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hahha seek a few saturdays ago I was hitting this spot around 6 and dequindre by these bay doors that money hit and i got bit/stung by somthing on my side it was for like ten seconds and im freakin out grabbin at my hoodie and shit tryin to stop it and for like 2 weeks it was this huge bump that was so itchy and I found out it was some venomous spider that fucked me up

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you guys are all apparently completely obliviious to sarcasm, huh?




the only poisonous (not venomous) spider we have is the brown reclose, and those things are no joke. you're lucky you didnt wake up a week later to find that your whole side was gone.

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we don't have a lot of them, but there have been cases of folks being bitten by them here.

i had a friend when i was younger that got bit in his leg. he almost lost it (no joke). heavylox made a thread in ch zero a few weeks ago about them. some ill ass pictures.


d.krackhead is my favorite shit ever. dude kills.

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