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Re: Maine Funk


i can knock him because he's a sellout, makes money off of and commercializes what he calls "graffiti", all the while talking about it in youtube interviews, which are floating around if you know how to find them. It must be nice to be revered as a legitimate graffiti writer, having put in no actual street work and being able to show your face and talk about your graffiti on your own self promo website and on youtube. And the same cats that jock him are the ones telling people not to talk about racking paint.... doesn't quite add up!

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Re: Maine Funk


the stuff dude is doing is real cool and probably more than anyone within the graffiti community from portland (outside of jurne) could do with it in some form. being able to make money off painting and doing something you enjoy would be awesome, i dunno how you can knock that with the cliche of the selling out argument. and this will come off as an ignorant internet generation toy comment to alot of people, but i think the "putting in work" argument is overrated and arbitrary. if thats your path, word thats cool, but dudes work and track record speaks for itself

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Re: Maine Funk


Everybodies entitled to an opinion you know. Putting Jurne and the other guy in the same sentence is really rediculoud in and of itself. Regardless, i don't know many "graffiti writers" that are worth their weight in shit that would be comfortable posting a picture of themselves in this thread with their government name and their alias. Would you? I was also always under the impression that the played out practice of "putting in work" was a foundation of graffiti from the very beginning. Silly me!!!

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Re: Maine Funk


yeh but i feel like this is more broadly applicable so its interesting to discuss.


im not comparing re one and jurne in the traditional graffiti lane, im comparing them with national and international recognition, respect, and doing things outside of new england with graff/ art.


with putting in work, if re one wanted be the undisputed, super fly king of the portland maine graffiti scene, yeah, chrome and white out tags everywhere, fills (since hollow throw ups were the death of portlands thriving streets), and legal wall burners would probably be the requisite. but apparently, business deals and art shows in europe are more important than quasi-respect from a handful of 15-20something year olds.

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Re: Maine Funk


Ha. Anyone hating on Reone is a fucking joke. Sounds like jealousy to me. Dude is making moves and is seeing success that he has earned ten fold. I have never met a harder working artist, and he is mad humble. I guarantee you have never heard him claim to be some big time graffiti king, he couldn't care less. He's getting flown around the world and making bank strictly off his art (and not claiming that it's graffiti). If that's selling out, then sign me up. As much as I love it, you need to realize that graffiti isn't going to get you anywhere in life. If you're older than 20, you might want to start thinking about the path you're on. ReOne should be your idol

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Re: Maine Funk


Ha. Anyone hating on Reone is a fucking joke. Sounds like jealousy to me. Dude is making moves and is seeing success that he has earned ten fold. I have never met a harder working artist, and he is mad humble. I guarantee you have never heard him claim to be some big time graffiti king, he couldn't care less. He's getting flown around the world and making bank strictly off his art (and not claiming that it's graffiti). If that's selling out, then sign me up. As much as I love it, you need to realize that graffiti isn't going to get you anywhere in life. If you're older than 20, you might want to start thinking about the path you're on. ReOne should be your idol


THIS! Big ups REONE.

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Re: Maine Funk


Lerk, Reone, Untold, Pers, Subone, Fost, Ferby, Vane, Koi, Esko, Thot. That's barely skipping a stone across the water. None of these boners have every done anything besides sit and the legal walls, the chillest underpasses, or at the daytime layups. I don't even have a problem with any of the people that i named, nor would i like to put them on blast, but when i was coming up all i used to see was the SFL cats everywhere. I don't even rag on people that have put in work in the past, and choose not to do so now. I choose to rag on the cats who went straight to piecing legal spots, commisioned pieces, and daytime layups... still have no fucking handstyle, can't even do throwups or a simple deadletter, but can pull off some wildstyle shit with some arrows pointing everywhere. That's what the scene turned into when cats from NH started to come up on the regular, to piece up the legal wall. I really miss seeing actual decent graffiti on the STREET. Now the new kings are the kids that pay no dues and go straight to the asylum for the shitbird get togethers. thanks for helping to kill off the rest of the scene, turd burglars!

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Re: Maine Funk


Reone should stick to bicycle frames.


bike frames, calenders, mt dew cans, fucking surfboards, woodsheds, internet browsers, large scale wall murals, tees n hoods. should stick onto anything and everything as he does.


you guys need more pics! less talk! everyone has a different definition of 'graffiti artist' hate it or love it, dudes getting down and getting mad props from some big wigs around the world. for me, big up biggity bump for the re.

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Re: Maine Funk


You obviously don't know what you're talking about Major. At least 2 of those people are not from Maine, and had been painting illegally in the streets in other states for 7+ years before even ever going to Portland for the first time. I have about 20 full photo albums of proof. If all you're doing is sticking your head out your window to see who is up, then you need to expand your horizons.

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Re: Maine Funk


But you are right about Portland. If/when I take a trip up there, it's to chill out and paint and shoot the shit with fam. Getting up in the mean streets of portland is the last thing on my mind. It's not worth the waste of paint in that little town. But to say that if you're not up in Portland, then you're not up at all is just ridiculous

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Re: Maine Funk


Lerk, Reone, Untold, Pers, Subone, Fost, Ferby, Vane, Koi, Esko, Thot. That's barely skipping a stone across the water. None of these boners have every done anything besides sit and the legal walls, the chillest underpasses, or at the daytime layups. I don't even have a problem with any of the people that i named, nor would i like to put them on blast, but when i was coming up all i used to see was the SFL cats everywhere. I don't even rag on people that have put in work in the past, and choose not to do so now. I choose to rag on the cats who went straight to piecing legal spots, commisioned pieces, and daytime layups... still have no fucking handstyle, can't even do throwups or a simple deadletter, but can pull off some wildstyle shit with some arrows pointing everywhere. That's what the scene turned into when cats from NH started to come up on the regular, to piece up the legal wall. I really miss seeing actual decent graffiti on the STREET. Now the new kings are the kids that pay no dues and go straight to the asylum for the shitbird get togethers. thanks for helping to kill off the rest of the scene, turd burglars!


I actually agree with most of this, and alot of what your saying. But reone has never claimed to be hardcore writer, he does graffiti as a side thing, and has actually done illegal stuff, not alot but way more than Sub, who I have more issues with. Reone is a humble cool, talented artist.. I have pretty much exactly the same viewpoint as you on the scene in Portland, and have been pretty angry about the decline of the scene in the last 5 years. But Re and like others are not the reason for the decline.. try scribbling toys who have made Portland hot, by tagging everything with wack handsstyles and shitty fake thug attitudes.

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Re: Maine Funk


obviously i may have lost the point in my rant. I'm not bashing reone as an artist, nor do i have an issue with him as an artist. i had a problem with him calling himself a graffiti writer in a youtube video. I'm not knocking his style, im not saying he sucks, he hand sucks, his letters suck, im saying, in my eyes, he's far from a graffiti writer. By everybody elses comments, it's seemingly agreed. I really think it sucks that all the young cats look up to people who aren't touching all aspects, which in turn breeds more writers who just focus on painting the asylum and doing legal jams, because the underpasses that only the writers see are a waste of time and paint. On top of that, i think it's ridiculous that people get play based solely on the fact that they can paint pieces and thats it.

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Re: Maine Funk


obviously i may have lost the point in my rant. I'm not bashing reone as an artist, nor do i have an issue with him as an artist. i had a problem with him calling himself a graffiti writer in a youtube video. I'm not knocking his style, im not saying he sucks, he hand sucks, his letters suck, im saying, in my eyes, he's far from a graffiti writer. By everybody elses comments, it's seemingly agreed. I really think it sucks that all the young cats look up to people who aren't touching all aspects, which in turn breeds more writers who just focus on painting the asylum and doing legal jams, because the underpasses that only the writers see are a waste of time and paint. On top of that, i think it's ridiculous that people get play based solely on the fact that they can paint pieces and thats it.


I dont know if you are a older dude or a younger kid, but you have a good perspective on graff, one I mostly agree with. I tell you man it sucks ass getting old, having responsibilites and not being able to crush as much anymore.. I didnt paint a legal until I was painting for at least 7 years, it just was unheard of back in the day. Legals used to be for writers who have paid dues, and have to chill now. You simply werent allowed to get down on a legal if you hadnt been around, didnt matter how sick you were!! We live in a watered down culture nowadays, but dont let it get to you bro.. do your thing, seems like you how real graffiti is supposed to be done!!

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Re: Maine Funk


Street work is not my priority. I don't give a fuck what any person in the game thinks of my shit. Nothing I do on the streets or not on the streets is ever intended to please anybody, so therefore opinions don't matter. There is this common theme in local scenes, where there is a group of individuals who seem to think that because they have played some sort of insignificant part in the city's graffiti history/culture they automatically believe there opinion is worth something, and feel the need to voice it to the people like they're some sort of congressman or representative. FUCK THAT!! Let your name do the talking, debating, and fighting instead of your silly keyboard. If who's putting in "street work" and who's "not a graffiti writer" are such a big concern to everybody I kind of feel bad. All these kids fight for now days is acceptance, and their ego. Stay home with that shit, you'll blow up spots for everybody. Just post some more fucking flicks, keep your opinions to yourself, that way the rest of us don't have to scroll through a page and a half of bullshit to get to what we really all want to see.




peace 2 RE

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