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That vid is by Lush, he does a lot of these kind of sarcastic vids about the graff scene, hilarious dude!

The last few flicks have been super dope. LACK, TED, LERK, TURDL, ESKO!


Yeah I actually saw an interview of him today and all his responses were through him tagging his responses on walls and basically just writing swears. He's a pretty funny dude

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Just a little poem I wrote...


They call it vandalism, we call it art

It shows the rhythm of life, the beat of a heart

Sounds of the ocean escape the spraycan

On elegance, they chose to put a ban

It is more than an addiction, it is a way of life

But again,we are faced with a strife

What is so beautiful about a blank wall?

Picture it having colors as bright as leaves in the fall

The intensity can liven up a gloomy day

For the artists, it is not about the pay

We get to embrace what we truly love

Until our last breath before we take a trip the above

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you a cop bro? or just straight dumbass


I guess just a dumbass haha. Maybe I'm just missing something, and it would be great if someone could tell me.

Look, after seeing that picture, I thought of three things.

1. Vane was repping another crew, either currently, or back in 06, when the sticker was issued.

2. There is another person writing Vane

3. I'm just missing something entirely

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