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It's not that it doe's not belong here, It just should not be mixed up with writing. I will try and brake it down for you. I will use REONE and SUBONE as examples. I mean no disrespect to each artist as they are truly amazing at what they do.


That's the question right there, What is it that REONE and SUBONE do? They are artist that use spray paint and legalized walls as their medium. From my understanding they have been artist long before they started to use spray paint. Sub "a 30-year-old German-American from Heidelberg" Has a warped point of view on Writing and Graffiti. Some of Subs ideals I do agree with where as most I don't at all.


What is graffiti? What is Writing? are they the same thing? NO they are not. If you ask any well know Writer if he is a Graffiti artist or a Writer, they will tell you that they are a Writer. This go's back to when the art form was founded in New York City. I will not go into a history lesson here, but if you want more info on the history go pick up a copy of STYLE WRITING FROM THE UNDERGROUND. To put it in simple terms. For one to be a writer they must write illegally. They should be working to master a hand style or styles, Scribes, toss ups, stamps, and pieces of their own or handed down styles. Once they master all of the above they can push their writing to the limits with productions and anything or anywhere they can place it.


So to sum this up, for oneself to be considered a true Writer one must pay his dues, Respect the culture, and if all gos well master his own styles illegally and legally.


A graffiti Artist preferred medium is a canvas or a legal wall. They most likely have not paid there dues, and well they respect the culture they do not fully partake in it.


Hope this was helpful. Once again Much respect to REONE and SUBONE.


Thanx for showing some respect even though you don't agree with my approach. A couple things to keep in mind though: Many if not most "graffiti artists" have payed their dues, including myself, even if it was before your time. Yes I'm 34 years old and have been painting for nearly two decades. Graffiti brought me to art, not the other way around! I have painted in many places and with many famous writers, and I call myself an aerosol artist or graffiti artist on purpose. I have the most respect for "writers" because I used to be one myself...trust me, I know what it is all about! But I am a stubborn Motherfucker that doesn't have to follow the pack, I rather like to create my own legacy and path, which is that I like to help out the next generation, by teaching them some history and technical tricks and by making the community aware of the beautiful things we all love about graffiti. I totally agree that if everyone on here would do what I do it would suck and not be graffiti at all, but I was one of the first to go my route and have fought for graffiti for a long time...when I fist started to show in galleries and promote graffiti as an artform that deserves repect and critical consideration everyone was hating,now everyone is trying to do the same. If it wasn't for artists like REONE or me bringing a positive light onto graffiti you wouldn't get half as much respect from people for being a "real" writer...you would not be considered a cool, underground artist following his passions against all odds (and societies restrictions), but only a nuissance and a vandal that nobody understands. I don't want to diss you, because you seem like you truly care about graffiti and show respect, just remember so do I.

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So, this question is semi-graff related....


So I'm thinking of starting a blog dedicated to Beer, Hip-Hop, and Graffiti.....Any ideas of what it should be called....Or what type of stuff you would like to see on there?

Also, I'm pretty sure my photos got deleted of my computer....so pissed. At least I still have a bunch on my photobucket accounts.

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Sub- Thanks for writing and giving your side of things. First of all nobody denies what an amazing artist with aerosol and other medians you are, as well as a cool, humble dude. Some of the issues I think stem from you trying to play both sides of the fence in regards to politics and the media surrounding graffiti issues in Portland, as well as trying be a spokesperson for graffiti, when in reality you have been in this city I believe for over ten years and never really done any graffiti! We as writers that keep this culture alive as grown men by still contributing illegal work take some offense to you being "the spokesperson for graffiti in Portland". Writers since the early 80's have been showing their work in galleries, and most still bombed and did some sort of illegal work once in a while. Its not a new thing! Being 34 and painting for two decades is not old my man, many writers in this little scene and around the country are the same age and much older still putting in work on the streets and steel, still doing art shows, selling art and are WRITERS first and foremost! You have it a bit twisted, see YOU want to be considered a "cool, underground artist", not me or other older writers, we just want to do our thing,catch tags, paint steel, do spots, and be in the shadows and contribute to this culture the way it started and was intended to be done at our leisure till we die. We dont care about "critical consideration" graffiti is not about that, and thats where you have strayed from what real graffiti is. Making money at your art is fine and respectful, but dont claim to be a voice for graffiti and try and legitimize it to the art world! This is our culture and it belongs in the grimey streets and yards, where it started! See my own legacy and path is that I give back to this culture and keep it alive cause it saved my life! I wont sell it out to a gallery or try and justify it to art snobs... I will continue to bring kids up and teach them the history and rules of this wonderful culture, and cement the fact that graffiti is writing and letters and you do them with class and style, but you do them in places that is against the law! Thats just the way it is! If you want to do a art show and make money 10-20 years down the road, fine.. but always know where your allegiance stands! I think you are a great artist, but writing illegally some in your teens and early 20's really isnt enough in the Northern America modern graffiti scene to be considered a expert or a seasoned graffiti writer, who should bring kids up. Maybe to be aerosol artists and commercial artist that use spray paint, or takes from graffiti and writers to make money and be in the art world, maybe to art students or others that are interested but will never really have the heart or want to face the consequences to do real graffiti but want to learn how to use spray paint and caps as a median.See we as writers dont care if you or anybody calls us a "nuissance" or a "vandal" because bottom line and surface level we are! But we hold close to us, that it is much much more! You and RE are in no way the reason "real" writers get respect, that shows your total self involved delusion and how far replaced you are from todays graffiti movement. Real writers get and want respect from other writers for putting in work! for decades! not for a few years or until they discovered they could make money at this, but for years and years and years, after catching cases, after losing girlfriends and other loved ones, after losing jobs, and after being asked when they are going to stop and grow up... Real writers get and want respect from other writers!! I dont think you can fight for graffiti because I really think you arent involved in graffiti.. and havent been for a very long time! and I think you try and please the art world and the graffiti world, to me as a 100% writer, that seems a bit fishy and hard to do! On one hand you want to benifit from the "cool, hipness" of graffiti but you dont want to contribute to the culture your are benifiting from and on ocassions turn your back to it, shun it, and dont want your art in the same venues as it! Sorry man, but you cant have your cake and eat it too! All this said, I think you are a amazing artist, I like doing legals and welcome it anytime with you.. and have nothing against you personally. I think open dialouge and passionate opinions are constructive and important, feelings may get hurt sometimes.. but we are all men and can deal with it as adults hopefully!

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jesus, why can't u get off the dudes ass and let him do what he does.. not all of us are in it for straight vandalism...graffiti, as well as hip-hop is a constantly growing thing. how can u tell people they're doing it "wrong" when they're pushing aerosol a HELL of a lot more than you are. I understand u've been around the block but in the grand scheme of things ur letters are mediocre at best. Not trying to shit on you because like I said you do know the history and a lot of the heads around here, and I respect the knowledge u've laid down here. but for you to tell me "you don't sketch anymore because u don't need to" is laughable. for you to come on here and bitch about the other solo instead of DOING something about it is weak in itself. If he dissed ur boy beat his ass and steal his paint, thats what would happen in any bigger metropolitan area. My 5 cents is everyone needs to stop talking like they're king shit. it's maine, none of us are at the forefront of graffiti on a national or international level right now... so why have arguements over peoples styles? it works for him, not for you.


Just think some people need to check there roll in the scene, graffiti doesn't live on 12oz.

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Graffiti started out as Vandalism. It's branched out into a bunch of other shit, but graffiti was tagging on everything with markers, paint, rocks, and getting your name out there so people knew who the fuck you were. I think the bone being picked is that Sub tries to commercialize graffiti and make it acceptable to mainstream society, when in reality graffiti is a nuicance to the general public. On top of the fact that since i've been in the game (ten years) i havent seen one thing sub has done in the street, trackside, freights..... I don't want artfaggy's looking at graffiti and thinking it's cool. Graffiti isn't supposed to be something that regular people think is cool other than the fact that they themselves can't do it. Not everything that is done with aerosol is graffiti, hense this KRYLON (spraypaint) Video.

This guy seems to be pushing aerosol (especially with youtube videos) a hell of a lot harder than i am. I'm not even going to touch the reone subject, cause everybody knows as a graffiti writer, he's SUB-par (get it? muaha). He also happens to be a very good artist and very good with aerosol. Really, it's just a bunch of faggy shit, painting in the day in public, and being a fan of civilians coming up to you while you're painting and talking to you about how "cool" they think that graffiti is and how "great it is that they give you a place to do it"...
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jesus, why can't u get off the dudes ass and let him do what he does.. not all of us are in it for straight vandalism...graffiti, as well as hip-hop is a constantly growing thing. how can u tell people they're doing it "wrong" when they're pushing aerosol a HELL of a lot more than you are. I understand u've been around the block but in the grand scheme of things ur letters are mediocre at best. Not trying to shit on you because like I said you do know the history and a lot of the heads around here, and I respect the knowledge u've laid down here. but for you to tell me "you don't sketch anymore because u don't need to" is laughable. for you to come on here and bitch about the other solo instead of DOING something about it is weak in itself. If he dissed ur boy beat his ass and steal his paint, thats what would happen in any bigger metropolitan area. My 5 cents is everyone needs to stop talking like they're king shit. it's maine, none of us are at the forefront of graffiti on a national or international level right now... so why have arguements over peoples styles? it works for him, not for you.


Just think some people need to check there roll in the scene, graffiti doesn't live on



You are so lost its unbelievable.. you are a fan, you dont do graffiti.. so what you say means nothing! First of all hip hop and graffiti have nothing to do with eachother.. but thats a different story and shows your ignorance. "Pushing aerosol" what the fuck are you talking about? Nobody from Maine has ever pushed this shit harder then me and my crews!! And WE ARE reconized nationally, you fucking idiot! Who is pushing it harder that I am dissing.. nobody! Graffiti and art are two different things.. Oh my god you are lost.. I wish you some guidance man. I wont even address, what you think of my style.. cause it just shows how lost you are.. please gain some knowledge about this culture, before you talk about it and call out people that have been activley writhing since you where in grade school! I said I dont sketch simply because I dont.. not because I think I am the shit.. ive never really drawn.. thats my preference.. im not trying to be a good artist, im a writer! I love letters and vandalism.. I know im not a very good artist and I dont care.. Im a good writer! and thats what matters to me.. this culture, the one you jock! You need some education man.. I said nothing about subs style.. I dont give a shit about styles! I care about heart, respecting the history and rules of graffiti, and getting up! Sub has his own cool style and is a good artist.. but hes not a writer! Learn the difference! "The other solo" haha.. you sound more toy with each sentence. Their is no other solo.. the real solo, the one that I stood up for.. has been writing graffiti since 1978, started in NYC and bombed subways.. and is known all over the world! Please, check yourself dude.. get back on the sidelines and behind the lens.. if you want to document fine.. but dont talk abou shit you dont do or know about!

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spell-check.jpgfrom one letter lover to another.


I wasn't trying to make it personal dude. calm down and realize that... just speaking my mind like you always do... Jocking your culture? whatever man, considering I'm doing everything solo, helping promote shit in an un-biast way I think I'm giving to the culture if anything. If you dont see ti that way thats fine but dont tell me ur down with my shit one minute and not the next.

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Oh so now youre a english teacher.. fucking smart ass huh? I had no problems with you or what you do, you called me out man! I never said shit about you, You got personal, not me! Dont turn it around. Nobody needs your videos bro.. dont act like your giving back to the culture.. You arent Henry Chalfant or Tony Silver, we dont need you to do shit for us, benching vids arent nothing new homie, ive been benching fr8s for over 14 years. Its cool, but dont bite the hands that feeds you.. especially if your gonna start talking shit and talking about things you have no idea about!

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Wow, lots going on here. Well let me start off by thanking sub for his comments and understanding my point even if he disagrees. Just so you know sub I am 28 years old and have been active in the Maine seen since 1992. I think that makes me the longest on going writer still in Maine besides RICH. That's not an egotistical statement at all. I am just trying to inform you on my background a bit. Well you may of payed your dues in Germany or where ever, I have not see one tag or toss up or stamp or scribe or any thing by you in Maine or Massachusetts for that matter that was illegal. I can only go off what I have seen in person. I think Big Dork has a valid point about you being the spokes person about Maine Graffiti or any graff at all. If you were up illegally for a few years in Portland it would be some what ok with the Writer community, but as I stated above I have not yet seen any work by you that was not legal. Can you understand how some may feel this way? even if you disagree with it?


I have read all of your interviews on the net. I agree with a lot of your statements but not all. The big one that I disagree with is your concept on what writing is. Writing is just that "WRITING" Its about letters, styles of letters. The characters and back grounds are a part of writing but not the main focus of the art form. They are a backdrop of the letters. As this is and always will be about the letters and the styles of letters. Before there was the melting pot called the internet, places had styles. Boston styles, Philly styles, Bronx Styles and so on. With the rise of the "Post Net Graff Era" you can no longer tell where a writer is from based on his styles. I think Writing is opening up to new levels and is now starting to except more artistic or abstract letters. But only from the writers that have payed there dues and have push styles to the outer limits and beyond.


Now when it come to teaching the next generation I think you have a lot to offer, like can control, doing productions and overall creativity, but when it come to history you maybe pushing up hill. You simply do not know the history of Maine. You cant as you where not there for most of it and it is an oral teaching at this point. As far as the so call "public" I could care less of what they think about writing. Writing is for writers, as they are the ones that can fully understand its workings and styles and they alone. If you ask most well rounded writers why they write I think you will find that they do it for the feeling of being alive, to push their name as far as they can. not just in places but in its forms and styles as well.

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it just really seems like you want every writer to fit this BigDork Approved persona, and thats not gonna happen. it's a big game of personalities and different approaches, you know that I know you do. I just dont get the big issue with a dude doing his thing, why come down on someone when in there own respect they're going just as hard as u? Again, I wasn't trying to make it personal, shits just a reality check, take it if you care.. doubt u do tho, since I'm just some scene jocking toy.


As for benching u've seen such a small amount of my overall documentation, and flat out the video benches out there are weak, handheld, side angled junk. Considering the subject matter it was basically a joke before HD, and I don't know anyone going out of there way to catch both sides of trains. short of 2 homies chillin at the tracks


See.. B+D basically said the same thing, but didn't come off like he's trying to run shit. Respect for just putting it out there Born

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jesus, why can't u get off the dudes ass and let him do what he does.. not all of us are in it for straight vandalism...graffiti, as well as hip-hop is a constantly growing thing. how can u tell people they're doing it "wrong" when they're pushing aerosol a HELL of a lot more than you are. I understand u've been around the block but in the grand scheme of things ur letters are mediocre at best. Not trying to shit on you because like I said you do know the history and a lot of the heads around here, and I respect the knowledge u've laid down here. but for you to tell me "you don't sketch anymore because u don't need to" is laughable. for you to come on here and bitch about the other solo instead of DOING something about it is weak in itself. If he dissed ur boy beat his ass and steal his paint, thats what would happen in any bigger metropolitan area. My 5 cents is everyone needs to stop talking like they're king shit. it's maine, none of us are at the forefront of graffiti on a national or international level right now... so why have arguements over peoples styles? it works for him, not for you.


Just think some people need to check there roll in the scene, graffiti doesn't live on 12oz.



Let me begin by stating that YOU KNOW NOTHING. It's as if some 9th grader walked into NASA and told the lead engineer that he's doing it wrong, because the little shithead watched Armageddon the night before and now understands astronautical engineering. YOU ARE NOT A WRITER, therefore, YOU'RE OPINIONS ON WRITING ARE SHIT. Get it? You're telling someone that has been painting for more years than you have probably been alive that their tactics are laughable? Nah son, a child that has just discovered something within the past year or two that has probably participated in that action less than 15-20 times having an opinion that could be taken as remotely valid is fucking laughable. Your post was full of disrespect, and that's why I'm responding the way that I am, go talk to whoever you know that may have the slightest knowledge about graffiti and learn something, please. Because its statements like this that make yourself look very stupid and dickish (spell check that one) to the entire community that you jock. I would love to discuss more over PM's if there's any more clarification needed.


On another note, I'm glad to see a dialogue beginning between Sub and writers. I think that both views have their strengths and weaknesses and that its a subject that NEEDS to be discussed. Sub, I personally think you're an amazing artist and have definitely shed some positive light on the world of graffiti, but as Bigdork said, the issue lies within the fact that you are no longer a participant in actual graffiti, therefore when the paper interviews you about graffiti, its as if someone who sat the bench the whole season got the cover story for the championship game.

BUT, I do not know of ANY graffiti writer that is actually out there vandalizing that would want to be the spokesperson of the issue and have their face in the paper (I know for damn sure my fuckin face isn't gonna be in the GO section anytime talking about how I spray); so it only make sense that someone who does not have anything to fear (in terms of legal issues) assumes that position. Also, Sub does make it sound positive, and I sure don't agree with all of his opinions, but at least he's not denounce it or trying to take credit away from its societal effects.

My bad for the novel, but I'm glad that this issue has come up and that people can talk about it without a buncha bullshit and drama involved.

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jesus, why can't u get off the dudes ass and let him do what he does.. not all of us are in it for straight vandalism...graffiti, as well as hip-hop is a constantly growing thing. how can u tell people they're doing it "wrong" when they're pushing aerosol a HELL of a lot more than you are. I understand u've been around the block but in the grand scheme of things ur letters are mediocre at best. Not trying to shit on you because like I said you do know the history and a lot of the heads around here, and I respect the knowledge u've laid down here. but for you to tell me "you don't sketch anymore because u don't need to" is laughable. for you to come on here and bitch about the other solo instead of DOING something about it is weak in itself. If he dissed ur boy beat his ass and steal his paint, thats what would happen in any bigger metropolitan area. My 5 cents is everyone needs to stop talking like they're king shit. it's maine, none of us are at the forefront of graffiti on a national or international level right now... so why have arguements over peoples styles? it works for him, not for you.


Just think some people need to check there roll in the scene, graffiti doesn't live on 12oz.


Lt Jim I think you maybe stepping up to the ships plank here. If ya know what I mean..? Writing is not about pushing aerosol it's about pushing letters. Writing is one of the 4 Elements of HipHop but it is not only HipHop based. You must NOT understand that BigDork been around the block. If you did understand that you would show more respect. Why would you laugh at bigdorks way of doing graff but then call him out on commenting on Subs? Isn't that contradicting? There is only one Solo and thats that! if another writer wanted to write solo 2 or solo 10 thats another story, but over all its look down on to write the same word as another writer let alone a kings word. Also don't crap on Maine graff so much. Maine has a lot of writers that are know national and over seas. We are not arguing over Subs style. If you would read a bit closer we stated that subs artwork is amazing. I think you are just out of your element a bit Jim. Your video's are awesome as I just stated a few post back. But it may be wise to not comment on subjects that do not pertain you.

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I'll admit my first post was a bit more personal than I intended for it to be, it just seems this has turned into a place for BD to rag on people he doesn't approve of. I think that came out a little jaded and I apologize for that, for what it's worth.


The solo thing- I agree, shouldn't be writing solo that was my point, if some little shit was dissing solo, while writing his name all over portland, why would u not deal with it and beat his ass right there? Instead we got a 12oz update about it so everyone else could get there panties up in a bunch. just seems ass backwards for what graffiti is.


I think this needs to be squashed for the better of the thread though, PM me if u still have stuff to say BD

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I just want to add that when more established writers "shit on" younger up and coming writers, it's no reason to get all butthurt. It's a necessary part of the culture. It drives the youngins to know their place, and gets rid of the ones that don't have the heart to get past some hurt feelings.

Most writers I know had the same thing happen to them when they started out, with older writers handing out beatdowns or "not giving respect" to the younger dudes. Fuck that, new kids don't deserve respect until they deserve it.

The internet has leveled the playing field too much, in that newcomers instantly have a forum (no pun intended) to share their thoughts/pics/complaints with actual established writers. It used to be that you had to EARN the right to even converse with a real writer. IT took me maybe 2-3 years of doing ugly ass deadletters around my city before I even met a single other writer. And that was in a real city with dozens of active writers. And I wouldn't even dare paint the same spots as them until I was invited, which took quite a while as well.

So basically, if someone has been doing this shit for longer than you, shut the fuck up and take what they have to say. If you have too big of an ego to believe what they say, then good for you. Everyone in this game has a big ego. Maybe you'll stick around for a while. But the odds aren't in your favor.

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To lighten the mood here a bit. thought I would share part of a short story.



It was that perfect daytime spring air that motivated me to be on the move. I packed up my bag well I was on the phone with my brother. We were talking about styles from the old days and about his current Military endeavors. I grabbed a basic sketch 2 bottles of water and headed out the door.

I combed over my sketch to burn it into my mind as I walked. Passing a few kids along the way I could not help myself from wondering if they were writers too. Finally I hit that long stretch of tracks that lead me to my destination. A underpass enclosed by large castle like walls. I have never painted here and I was a bit sketch out as it was just late afternoon. The spots was crushed with toy hands and pieces. So I found the worst toy piece and set up to get busy. I just started to do my sketch when off in the distance I thought I herd a train approaching, but then the sound faded off. Traffic from the road above drowned all most everything out.. I took a peak around the corner wall that was blocking my view of the on going tracks. Just as I did a speeding freight train was hauling ass right at me. The wall I was painting was only a few feet from the tracks, with no time to cross the tracks I was pinned to the wall. The Freight barreled down the tracks just feet from my face. At first I was a bit panicked as it all just caught me off guard. I soon relaxed a bit and found myself feeling so alive, in the moment. Watching pieces zoom by my face, the loud clanks and wind of each car as it passed by was exhilarating. I found a new respect for the Iron beast that carries our work. She truly is a work of art in its self. An Engine and steel power house.

After the freight passed I got back to my sketch and not to long after, a Kid pops out down a ways. I see him before he evens knows I’m there. He’s looking at the walls and from the way he is studying them I know he writes. finally his eye wonders down the wall until he see me, by this time I’m just back to painting. He lets out a whistle to alert me he is there and I think to myself “ya I know buddy” and just keep on painting. He comes up and he's just a kid, no more than 18 years old.


-Kid- hey man whats up?


-Me- (with my mask still on) hey just getting busy.


-kid- what?


I pull my mask off.


-Me- Not much man. What do you write?


-Kid- (he mumbles) Rebel...


I think to myself of course you write rebel.


We go on talking for a few minutes and he is excited to meet me as he’s been seeing my stuff around. Over all the kid was nice and respectful. I soon go back to my painting as he watches every move I make and I realize that I was that kid at one time. I had a similar experience when I was toy watching BERN HBTK paint. I look back and hes studying hard and I can tell he’s learning a lot. This makes it all worth it form me. To be able to give back with out saying a word. Letting my painting do all the talking. He informs me he’s got to go and I say it was nice meeting you. As he makes his way down the tracks I can hear him on his phone spreading the news of our contact. This makes me laugh a bit as I think of how fast paced this world is now a days with cell phones and the internet.

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So, this question is semi-graff related....


So I'm thinking of starting a blog dedicated to Beer, Hip-Hop, and Graffiti.....Any ideas of what it should be called....Or what type of stuff you would like to see on there?

Also, I'm pretty sure my photos got deleted of my computer....so pissed. At least I still have a bunch on my photobucket accounts.


Call it:

Beer, Hip-Hop, and Graffiti.....



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Yo Jim..... just a thought...

Your new to the scene...

You started taking video, like what... this past year?

And you don't write...


Ask any WRITER... they never understood SHIT about this scene, until they actually did it for an extended period of time. Then, if they where lucky, it all clicked, with themselves on a personal level.


Your documenting our scene, from the side lines, as an observer, you are not a participant. Your jumping into this scene like a babe in the woods and making it VERY apparent.


My suggestion: shut your fucking mouth and try listening.

Why is it that nowadays people feel the need to run there yaps and pretend to know whats up so early in the process of entering and understanding a new scene.

Arkady makes a humorous, but spot on point, you just don't waltz into shit and start-in like you know what's up. No one learns and understands, in full, anything that they are new to.


No one gives a damn about what you have to say until your actually participating in this life style, otherwise, your just a fucking critic, and no true person in this scene cares about what you have to say.


Let the streets do the talking, let your images do the talking. Refrain from being a loud mouth on this fucking forum. If you have any interest in this scene, you'll respect the PARTICIPANTS, for without them, you're work wouldn't exists, and cut the fucking "look at me, look at what I am doing for the scene" attitude.

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I can safely say BigDork has forgotton more about graffiti than most of you know. It hurts to see him on here arguing with some of you bird ass mothafuckers. BigDork, save your energy...they jawwin' with the big guy and you pinching ticks out of your legs. Let go ... like me. Fuck them, don't school them. Then we can laugh together.

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Word Rags!


bigdork has done so much for Maine and writing overall. Things beyond what most know. He is a humble guy and he of all people should not be under attack on this thread. As Rags put it, A lot of us on here do not have to school anyone. When we do its of love for this culture, not some ego trip. we truly care about this culture and most importantly about the Maine seen.


Bigdork I would like to thank you for everything you have done and for just being you. I am honored to be your friend and crew.

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Thanks Born, rags, arkady, slush, told.. etc.. All of us toghether keep this Maine and northeast scene going strong and legit around the country. And we know what the deal is! Looking forward to a long summer of getting busy with all yall! Peace!

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