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^^ I imagine you've had to go through this many times over the past years with different new generations coming up... Probably not to the extent of a kid impersonating a cop though.



Bump the Rents and Lack hollows with the orange outline.

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Deff going to pick that up.. I understand what ur saying, and wasnt directing any of that really at you except for what I said TO you.


Stolen from the amazon write-up:

What started as simple street movement, a way to assert individuality and pride, has blossomed into much more.


I totally dig and respect what graffiti has become, and from where it was formed (locally and globally), but the attempted organization of graffiti almost seems like it makes about as much sense as appointing a leader for anarchism.. At it's roots it's a free spirited expression of whats in your mind, how can that be organized or given rules? Hell the fact that there is a forum on the internet where writers come to talk is at the heart of graffiti completely jacked. If anything the whole cop thing is pretty friggin funny considering how easy of a target this site would be for them. I'm nto going to sit here and stand up for the guy all night.. I do think he needs work, but he's putting in the work to get there and learning along the way, I'm sure you've all made some stupid ass mistakes within your first few years.



for the record, lt jim dangle is a reno 911 character... lt jim aint doin shit but flickin trains and keeping it in the book for now.


and so this post isn't all rant... that racket-crave is tight!

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You can like the piece all you want thats up to you.. its really not good and has no letter form, which what graffiti is! His hand is horrible, which means everything, and way more than all this.. he has gone over people better and more experienced than him, impersonated a cop, painted peoples spots, started painting on the back of the Asylum without asking to paint it (thats not a free wall). Dig it all you want, Im not disrespecting you for liking it.. thats your decsion and shows you dont know much about graffiti. You can be a toy, we all were at once... thats not the problem. The problem is doing dumb shit over and over, and not learning from it. Impersonating a cop in most cities is a permanent ban at the least.. look it up dude! Graffiti is a trade more than a artform and has rules, it is passed down from generation to generation, it has protocols.. Read "The Art Of Getting Over" by ESPO. its not a free for all. There isnt any hate, its common sense and a love for the preservation of this culture...


Bigdork is a real positive dood. And i'm sure he wants to see PARTU evolve into a respected writer just as much as I do. but when someones has as many fuck ups as this kid "PARTU" you got to question his motives. There are rules that are set in place to preserve our art form, that no one is above. If you respect this lifestyle then live by its rules.

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I'm sure you've all made some stupid ass mistakes within your first few years.



That's the thing Jim, When we were coming up we didn't fuck up at all. at least not like kids do today. That's because we listen to the writers before us and we respected them. Most importantly we respected this art form and wanted to learn as much as we could from the generations before our time. I felt honored to be shown the ropes "the RULEs" of this life style and in fact I am still honored to be learning. I think you are miss understanding what the so called "RULES" are. The mere fact that they exist must mean something right? Maybe the word "RULES" is the wrong word to be using. It's more like Knowledge. This knowledge is what keeps this flowing. I do not know you Jim, but my advice would be to read a few more books on the art forms history and just in general. no disrespect, I am simply trying to pass along some knowledge.


There is a saying in life that I have become fond of. "What you resist will persist"



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no disrespect taken, I dig that legitimate discussions can go on on this board, thats rare in a forum.


I dont think it needs to be a free for all, but if someone feels the need to hold something against another writer, but doesn't really beef with said writer..whats the point in holding onto the issue in the first place? why not try and help the writer understand what they did wrong and why it's so wrong... I know if this was NYC or LA someone would probably get shit stomped and that would be the end (or beginning) of it. Thankfully we live in Maine.. why not try and get people on level with where Maine's talent used to be?

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acting like a police officer and posting peoples personal pictures on a forum that mainly contains illegal activity. I've seen him go out of his way to do handstyles over people monikers, unless it's coincidental. People have gotten punched in the grill for writing government names in spots...

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Deff going to pick that up.. I understand what ur saying, and wasnt directing any of that really at you except for what I said TO you.


Stolen from the amazon write-up:

What started as simple street movement, a way to assert individuality and pride, has blossomed into much more.


I totally dig and respect what graffiti has become, and from where it was formed (locally and globally), but the attempted organization of graffiti almost seems like it makes about as much sense as appointing a leader for anarchism.. At it's roots it's a free spirited expression of whats in your mind, how can that be organized or given rules? Hell the fact that there is a forum on the internet where writers come to talk is at the heart of graffiti completely jacked. If anything the whole cop thing is pretty friggin funny considering how easy of a target this site would be for them. I'm nto going to sit here and stand up for the guy all night.. I do think he needs work, but he's putting in the work to get there and learning along the way, I'm sure you've all made some stupid ass mistakes within your first few years.



for the record, lt jim dangle is a reno 911 character... lt jim aint doin shit but flickin trains and keeping it in the book for now.


and so this post isn't all rant... that racket-crave is tight!


Ive had this discussion with many other "fans" of graffiti (maybe those who photograph or document it)i who love its free spirited vibe, but when they learn that it has a set of unwritten codes and rules put in place for over 30 years now that have been passed down, they get hurt and want to try and hold on to the feeling maybe they had when they first started seeing it and trying to understand it. Yes, from its inception(late 1960's )modern graffiti is and will always be the one and only art form started by teenagers for teenagers, and it was very free spirited. It still is, but also from its beginning a system of preserving a fastly removed art form began and hierarchy was established.. Kings were appointed by amount, time, and quality of work done, a language was set up, crews were established, inovators of certain letter forms and designs were named and got credited for forever. Do you think its a coincidence churches, cemetaries, peoples cars, houses, arent usually tagged? (unless by mistake or by a toy) its not, these rules have been put in place to preserve the culture. You said there has been no "attempt at organizing graffiti" sorry but it has been organized from very early on. The early pioneers (subway writers 70's, 80's) realized that if rules were not put in place and things were not passed down.. this would die as quickly as graffiti gets covered up. They met at "writers benches" they discussed ways to deal with toys and the authorites and they established a loose but real code of conduct that still exists today,for preserving this amazing culture. For example, a throwup goes over a tag, a piece over a throwup etc.. if you want to write someone's word that has been writing longer than you, you must get permission and usually write 2, 3 or whatever number you happen to be in the order of writing that word. Spots belong to the writers that first painted or found them or are passed down. Partu used to write Part until he realized Part TDS is a famous old school head from NYC. That is hopefully out of respect, and by a set of rules writers years ago set up. This isnt anarchy, if it was.. the authorites would of stopped it long ago, thats exactly why it isnt and cant be anarchy, because we want to do it for as long as possible!! Thats why knowledge is passed down, codes are vocalized and enforced, and we dont have a bunch of retards running around writing on people cars, houses, churches. Blowing up spots, acting like cops, etc.. real writers dont do that! You say " at its root,graffiti is a free spirited expression of what's in your mind" I think you are mistaking the act of scrawling anything on a surface, to the culture and modern movement of graffiti which as I have stated and given evidence to like it or not, has rules and codes. Anybody can write graffiti, but that doesnt mean you are real writer!

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Pick up:

"The Art of Getting Over"- Stephen Powers

"Subway Art"-Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant

"Freight Train Graffiti"- Roger Gastman, Darin Rowland, Ian Sattler

"Dondi White: Style Master General"- Andrew Witten, Dondi White, Michael White

"Spraycan Art"- Henry Chalfan, James Prigoff


Just to name a few... this is your homework assignment for the next year. Study hard, this will be on the final. forgive me if I forgot some.


Also if you haven't seen these I suggest watching them as well:


"Style Wars"

"Wild Style"

"Breakin' 1&2" (these are extra credit, they're just awesome)


P.S. if you listen carefully B+D, BD, MF, HV, and a couple others will teach you more than you'll ever learn on your own about this culture we all love.

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I promised some people that I would post these here...yeah, it's a promo...so what!!! What graffiti or art isn't? Fuck outta here. I'm not going to post it in the paper chase or some other thread that I don't care about. I'll post it here in Vacationland....this my shit right here. I'd appreciate it if you are a friend of mine on fb to not post links to my fb on here...or I'll delete you. Not trying to be Mr. Bigshit. Just real talk... Rags

















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Found this going through my photos today. Can't remember who the owner said did it. not sure how many people had seen this ride though so I figured I'd throw it up on here.


Quality is still junk on this, youtubes still processing. First time trying to bench both sides.. lesson learned: the fish is not your friend, thus the weird distortion to make them match up on the top one... Gotta find a bit more of an open spot, and a train with actual graffiti.. but I'm liking the concept. One of the sides is going to be reversed.. or I could run them opposite ways but I dont think they flow nearly as well. Whats all of your thoughts on this?

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yea I was thinking of the speed up/slow down stuff. Prob try that when I've got a train with some paint on it. was laughing about that.. been trying to do this for a few days now and when it finally sets up right their isn't shit for graff haha


Zoom in so it's just like a car filling the frame? only thing I'm worried about with that is being able to fit both lines in. Thanks for the input though!

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