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Originally posted by SF1@Mar 23 2005, 04:04 PM

After seeing the first one I was all ready to bitch and moan about it being fabricated (fill made to look like a hand).

Then I saw the second one and I'm like... "DAAYYYAAAAMMMM!!!!"

What kind of cap on what kind of paint is that??? :shook:  :yuck:<----Reffer to that huge (Sueser?)tag that for some reason wouldnt appear on my reply.


i've seen progress shots, and they're definately not fabricated. the second one says sunset.


i'm not going to blow up the spot, but it's definately not done by a spray can, and it's not a fire extinguisher either.


btw, both those flicks were stolen, and are from paris

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Originally posted by Mr. ABC@Mar 23 2005, 07:11 AM

SF1, don't believe the hype. they don't hate americans as much as your tv would have you believe



I'll beleive this before I beleive anything I see on TV. ;)


I need to start saving some doe. is it hard for forieners to get a job there?

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i like philly hands and all, but i'm so fucking sick of seeing them.

theres no variety, no diversity, the whole intention is to make your tag look exactly like a text book 'philly' style. that's cool and all, but christ...there are more to handstyles than illegible uniform scribbles.


remember 4 years ago when everyone and their mom was trying to do an LA hand? remember when everyone talked shit abotu them? philly is the new LA. please stop.

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look SEEK all im doin is reppin where i from...i aint some snot nose kid tryin to "imitate" philly...goto boston..bmore..la..nyc..most of that is illegible as well...with alot less talent..the problem is any other places hands can be done with minimal practice..let me see you throw out a dope tall hand.. or wicket...then well talk...


the problem is people dont appreciate what it takes to bang out some of our hands..so they automatically dismiss them...


again i say i aint here to argue but im also tired of peeps givin us shit...

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if you're not a 'snot nosed kid' then don't act like one. let me have my opinion and understand what i'm saying instead of getting all defensive on some bullshit. if you were really repping where you were from, i'd think you'd be a little more understanding of what i'm saying. now a days philly hands are getting bastardized to the point where they're generic copies of what they used to be. a million people can do a bad philly, only a handfull of people can do a good one, and only a fraction of writers can tell the difference. by posting every philly hand that someone sees, you're (no you in specific) watering down your own scene, making it generic. if you're fine with that, then i guess thats all you, but personally, i'd rather see one or two dope phillys, than 50 kids trying to do phillys.


and don't be fooled, philly hands are no harder to do than any other regional hand style. sure, they'll look like shit, but so do the people biting la styles, or boston styles. since you're not familiar with them, you maybe can't tell the difference, but it's definitely there.



the word is 'wickets', not 'wickeds'. jesus christ. if you're gonna rep your style like it's life depended on you, atleast learn to spell it.

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seeks you sound really misinformed about philly hands... "illegible unifrom scribbles"? puh-leaze


and it can spelled "wickeds" or "wickets", SF1 is correct. i know you like to know it all, but honestly you should just not talk about it..we get it, youre not a fan, moving right along.


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