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hahahahahahahaha! fo 20$ il jus cut u real quick when i catch u at the spot! all u fools been T R I P P N ! GO AHEAD AND START ANOTHER FIRE UNDER MY ASS SO I CAN HAVE AN EXCUSE TO GRAB U BY UR SKINNY FUCKIN NECKS AND SHAKE THE PAIN(T) OUT OF UR BACK PACKS THAT YOU OWE ME....

D COCK!.. CANWHO?.. AND ...TORCH BOY FIRE CROTCH FO' LIFE!!!!!!! U WANNA FIX THIS?? CALL ME B4 ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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un-ex-fucking-sceptible!!!!!!! seriously! who ever wants to run, better hollar @ me! before i cut ur small sorry excuse for dick.......straight off! with my kershaw! its sharp and ready to make sure that you can never reproduce! EVER! like i said call me before i take action! derock, torchr canue!......i can be a nice guy! DONT FUCK AROUND!!!!!!! just call me..........now!

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^I'm inclined to pick D, and say the fourm should only allow pictures /talk of (D)

But then I remember a question from a previous exam

And the general jist of the question/answer was that anyone involved with/anything going on, on 12oz can not be counted

as "ACTUAL GRAFFITI" or even considered related to the game.

So weed/money/bitches/and even to some degree sketches have just as much relation on here than actual graffiti.

Cuz if you have just one, or even two, you aint doing it right. You could have all the best graff styles/letters and spots,

if you can't keep your hustle up on some bitches, cash and/or drugs at the same time, you fail.

And this is the internet/ I come here for pretty pictures, Missouri is my home state. And you with exception on LD in STL,

and a couple heads in KC, you all ain't holding it down any more.

So to make up for the lack of graff, and abundance of talk, I'm all for bitches/money/drugs.

And in the meantime if the real writers (obviously don't get on 12oz) are out bombing, I'll get busy stealing flicks, and moving on over here,

To remind everyone this is a website for "actual graffiti", Cuz half the mess that gets posted on here,, can't even be counted as that.

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