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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


graffiti is really all about context. if you arent from san franicsco then i would not expect you to like orfn. just because you can recreate something you have seen does not mean you could create it. there is really no point in arguing about it. if your from frisco you know and fi you dont then you have some learnign to do. if your seeing all these pictures on the internet and it is all out of context then why even talk about it? you dont understand it so let it be.


bong rips galore

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you sound like a jelous child cause no one gives a fuck about you and GUFE's smashin it. go fight somebody/paint/ or shut you wack-ass-fake-graffiti-producin-bitch-made fat mouth.


jealous child? please homie. its just fucking whack what turns out these days. fags like you giving props to a kid thats a snitch. and then talking shit about me cause i'm telling you about it. act like i'm making this shit up. for real you and everyone else that gives gufe all this love is truly confused. this kid put a vegas cat behind bars for a couple calendars and all ya'll dont care. a snitch is a snitch remember that. and as long as ya'll keep postin his flicks and givin him props you'll see me reminding you that this cat has a history he wishes nobody knew about. fucka snitch. and youre an idiot to think i'd be a cop on here talking about this snitch. and who gives a fuck if he puts in work i aint sayin he aint or anything like that for you to say i'm jealous. fuck him. whats that sayin, loose lips sink ships. rollin with snitches aint gonna lead ya'll anywhere

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that aq comment was pretty funny. you guys dont have to consantly big up yourselfs on this site. you can tell each other when you see them in person


that dudes not in AQ dumbass. noone besides keep and myself get on here.

now clear out all the other wrong ideas you have about them.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


holy shit the ignorance and plain stupidity of the members on this website amazes me. you must all be little 16 year old hip hop t-shirt wearing toys to say some of the shit im hearing. just because someones graffiti doesnt look like cope2 or twick icp makes them a toy rigth? your a fucking idiot. if you dont know, THE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!. and this fag shit has got to go. ive lived in SF for a long part of my life, and outside of the castro, which is 3X3 block size, a tiny ass part of the city, that homo shit dont fly. try walking around laguna and turk pulling that fag shit, or walking anywhere in the east mission, them capp street boys will teach you a hard lesson if you come to SF and think that gay shit is popping off here, im fucking sick of the stupid people on this website

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


i was saying you (mr bullinick) a member of aq crew it is unnessary and corny as fuck for you to self hype yourself and members of your crew on this site. why dont you just your crew members when you see them. its bad enough with the constant self promo. although i appreciate that you have started posting pictures outside of your crew.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


i always post shit besides my crew. too bad thats one more thing you didnt know.

and i dont see them. self promo is graff bitch! deal with it....

post your shit prettyboy and rep your city. what you offer this city? some gay lisp bitchin.

dont respond back just let me know how you feel about me when you see me.


and quit kryin....


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