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  1. havent been on here in a long time.. thanks for reminding me why.
  2. should start a classic bay area thread.. 2000 and under. 2000 classic ?? sounds funny huh?
  3. WOW! thats a fuckn shame right there... hope you foolios took lots of flicks. thats not rad@ all.... say bye bye to a big part of SF history. shitty.
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco yo SF... welcome to SAN JO!. you can keep them... all of them!
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco no way! and then what happend?.....
  6. "you see what happens when you mess wit the orphans!" - that daver schwimmer looking mother fucker from the warriors hahahhahahahahahahah
  7. ouch! ..... hahaah better then TV.
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco and that ny shit is already bein diss'd so there you go.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco huh? thats funny i could have sworn one of your guys pops was high ranking judge. but then again what do i know.
  10. no you 2 always got some shit to say even when you know noone cares what you guys do at all. Just to get fools to say shit . you think you guys are the first to paint in other states? who care you write on shit... you do it because its somethin to do when your drunk. just like me. so who gives a fuck. at least that lil fuck is puttn his own name and not hiddin behind a crew finally. and stop tryn to argue wit me on line. noone cares.
  11. dont worry ...that dude never gets caught..he runs faster then most.
  12. why are these pics in the SF thread is a better question.
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