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Don't Call it Frisco


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im a fan of guinness when it comes to beer, any shit that's quality i consider myself a connoisseur BUT i get down on an OE or cobra most days of the week. every person that enjoys a drink should have an appreciation and respect for the malts. if not your a pompous sucker.




I understand your logic but still respectfully disagree...it's like saying after eating filet mignon for a while you'll want a crappy dollar dog from the coliseum, but fuck that we got everything from Pho to lobster this is Cali son, step ya game up! Granted when I'm drunk as fuck I used dolar dogs to sober, so I guess the word irony will fit right here.


It's just that Cali has soooooo many great microbrews and quality choices when it comes to beer that choosing a malt IMO makes you look either cheap, unknowledgeable, underage, or maybe you just like the taste of formaldehyde (yes 211 contains an embalming fluid). Now granted they are more expensive, but I'm a strong believer in only putting quality in my body. And I don't deny drinking crap beer, but the last time I had a budweiser was at treasure island when aerosmith played and only because it was free, so it doesn't happen often. I'm always trying to go out prepared with a couple speciality beers hidden in the belt. I try my hardest not to let crap beer hit my lips.


And while I'm on the subject I left my heart at The Beer Store in SF. Real beeraisseurs know what's up.



Anyways sorry for the rant, but just look at my screen name; I fucking love beer.





BTW I'm not Renos but wanted to add something besides my jaw jabbering.


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