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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


grey and cake just got pimped by the music industry. exploited for their graff. what a shame. throw everything you stand for out the window when some dollars are thrown in your face. "fuck it, ill show my face for everyone" does cake even realize hes that token black guy that a&r's like to randomly place in bands just to be p.c.? fuckin media puppet only got shown in that video like twice and the second of two was incriminating. kill whitey

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Check out this video 2:22 in for some graffiti show n tell from Fake HR and another well known writer


What part of "stop snitchin" do you people not understand. Does it make you feel cool or something? If you don't like someone diss they're shit or fuck them up but don't out them FOR ANY REASON, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!!! The rules are there for all of us....

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What part of "stop snitchin" do you people not understand. Does it make you feel cool or something? If you don't like someone diss they're shit or fuck them up but don't out them FOR ANY REASON, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!!! The rules are there for all of us....


they are outing themselves by putting their name and face in an international bands music video. It isnt snitching if they put up their fucking throwup in a music video. Is it snitching when everyone posts pics of Earsnot and Saber videos? No they agreed to record the shit, they knew it would get posted how is it my fault if Cake records himself jumping up and down begging to show off his crappy graff then doing a throwup that we have all seen and hitting up his crews that are known. He obviously doesn't give a fuck, I'm sure his record company can post his bail if gets caught any way. As for Grey i thought he would know better than this shit maybe a piece or using a different word but by doing his own throwie and hitting up his crew it shows he doesn't give a shit. So stop getting on me about snitching they brought it on themselves.

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