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Don't Call it Frisco


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I didn't read any of this bickering. I just want to point out that I'm going to beat the shit out of Tetra. I will find him. I know too many people that know that crackhead.


Can't wait homie!


tet lives in california.dont you live in europe.

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maybe you might get a better reaction if you fucked with a crew more about your vibe, why dont you go hack out some TKO and see how hard you are. seriously dude, US was killing it when you were learning how to read. get over yourself. not every one wants to be a netbanger hacking crews that actually put in more vandalism than you will prolly accomplish your whole life. if you had a time machine and went back to 93 and tried to run against Revers, Orfn, Marvl, and the heads that put that crew down your not standinga chance. Hacking out writers that earned the fame for their crews name by doing work and not running their mouths on the net getting cheap fame by going over fills and pieces with fucking tags, not even showing you got the nerve to fill over that shit is no honor sucker. you brought more disrespect to your name than US could hope to. why waste paint dissing you when your dissing yourself on the net for the world to see.


well said, well said...round of applause for this guy

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I didn't really blame the alcohol for what I was saying but rather for even chiming in on such bullshit and I still stand by everything I said and apparently so do the many people who messaged me saying they agreed with what I said but, like me, avoid messageboard discourse as much as possible.

You read my stupid rant, formed an opinion, worded a reply, and used your third post ever to let it be known. So, about idiots...


so, now you're basing my idiocity on the fact that i only have a few posts on this stupid site,, you just keep on winning.

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The Mars Volta cast that performed Amputechture will be modified for live dates that begin imminently, with drummer Jon Theodore replaced by Blake Fleming, formerly of Laddio Bolocko and Dazzling Killmen and actually the drummer who played on the very first Mars Volta demos. Pablo Hinojos-Gonzalez will expand his role, contributing both guitar and sound manipulation skills. Finally, while not a member of the touring Mars Volta band per se, Amputechture contributor John Frusciante, on the other hand, will be in close proximity, as his Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Mars Volta are scheduled to tour together through November 2006.

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so, now you're basing my idiocity on the fact that i only have a few posts on this stupid site,, you just keep on winning.


I love how you take one small piece of each of my oversized posts and focus all of your attention and ire on it, as if that small piece was the crux of my messgae. Whatever. You win. Yay for you. I fell into your trap.

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