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you cunts r ridiculous, the majority of u putting in some input prob dont even know the ppl ur talking about and the ones who have bothered to talk shit r probably just doing it out of same vague personal opinions uv gathered together.. despite the fact i know both in one way or another, if i didnt id much rather be seeing diges up who has actually put in the hard yards and is what a real writer is rather than some poxy clueless legal beagle new style every weeker. obviously these 2 have come up differently to each other, surely wasnt raised on ironlak mind u.. most of u wouldnt have a clue.


no flicks tonight. die.

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you cunts r ridiculous, the majority of u putting in some input prob dont even know the ppl ur talking about and the ones who have bothered to talk shit r probably just doing it out of same vague personal opinions uv gathered together.. despite the fact i know both in one way or another, if i didnt id much rather be seeing diges up who has actually put in the hard yards and is what a real writer is rather than some poxy clueless legal beagle new style every weeker. obviously these 2 have come up differently to each other, surely wasnt raised on ironlak mind u.. most of u wouldnt have a clue.


no flicks tonight. die.


You dont know both. You are bitter and i find you amusing (nh) Keep dropping knowledge and educating all of us who know nothing..

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diges has no skill what so ever in graffiti, all u guys defending him are obviously he's mates and are ignorant to the fact.

theres no doubting the kid gets up, props to that, but at the end of the day he's toy.


what a real writer is suppost to be??? theres more to graffiti then dropping tags in the city

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what and take 2 or more hours to do so? give them some kilrust and a ill spot id like u to ask that question then? graffiti wasnt about who can paint 'the best' in a legal venue when i started? u kids seem to pride ur self on that fact but funnily enough graffiti didnt start inside a studio.. unlike urself we didnt spend the majority of our early teen yrs painting legals and hours on 12oz, we were out trecking around for spots. racking our paint and developing our own style, id rather see something original even if its not that visually amazing but at least done by someone who puts in effort on all aspects of graffiti (whether thats bombing, painting and all the rest...not just tags in the city dickhead) rather than something pretty bitten crap done by someone who cant even decide on a fucking style, if thats what u think 'the best' is.. give feck his effects back..im not bitter i just hate to see the next gen below u do the same thing.


site i enjoyed that piece, but take it outside u can obviously paint very well and i take it ur not a juvinile anymore so why the fuck dont u take it to the street already, if i seen those outlines out and about id be even more so impressed, seriously.

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writing to me is about letters and style.personally i fuking hate this whole "effects" stage but with no back history or knowledge of the two writers, im pretty sure nearly everyone would prefer bikes stuff, even in ill situations.

obviously my opinion shows bias but so does all yours.anywho.im done arguing,each to their own

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well they surely look 'cool' dont they, especially the change from his legal pieces to his ill pieces... if the net didnt exist im sure that wouldnt be the case, the definition of style must be getting a bit lost, style has alot to do with originality, diges dosent always have the most amazing pieces but there is nothing special or original about bikes pieces at all, they change every week for fuck sake, how is that style??????????? the letters on that bike were just ridiculous. uv actually done better?!?!?! if ud takn time to develop ur own shit they wouldnt look so out of place.

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