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I never post on here for a reason. My opinion doesnt even matter, and I don't even paint in columbus anymore, mainly because I hate the scene here.....More EGO than talent for the most part......but I have to say one thing.


Mind@Ease.......what are you doin man?? You used to be one of the most humble cats that I'd ever met. We used to talk about how that was one of the most important qualities for a great writer to have...not just talent, or style, or fundamentals, or knowing their history.......Being a real ass mother fucker, thats what matters. And you are a real mother fucker.....thats why I don't get what you're doing...YOU should know that you don't have shit to prove, so why start fights and talk bullshit just because you can? Raskoe is one of the illest writers to come out of Ohio period in my opinion, wouldn't you rather have a cat like that respect you instead of being able to say "Yea, I beat that dudes ass", or "I punked that lil bitch, he was lucky." RESPECT is worth WAY MORE than fear or intimidation, just like humility will get you way more than ego.


If you want to tell everyone how you're the shit so that you can fool some bitch and fuck her that night, go for it, be egotistical as fuck and get what you want if thats what you've gotta do....But real recognizes real......Respect those who you want to be respected by. Respect no one and end up alone getting laughed at by everyone you knew who was your supposed "Friend".


When you're dope, humility is all that you need, because your style and who you are speaks for itself. You shouldn't feel the need to justify your coolness to everyone if you are truly running shit.......


I'm not posting this to start shit, or talk shit, its just a true ass statement from someone who knows. This comment is here to make people think about what theyre saying on here and in REAL LIFE, not piss anyone off. Being humble and letting your paint talk for you, thats how real cats let everyone know whats up and what theyre about. Thats what you used to think too......


And for anyone who wants to disregard what I said because of who I am....

1.You don't know me anymore

2.I know that I'm not shit, and I don't claim to be shit.......................................................................But I still have the ability to drop some knowledge when needed.



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Y'all are ridiculous.


Only thing I can really say, is get off my fuckin dick. If I didn't have weak ass people disappointed in themselves and their own short comings constantly talkin shit, you wouldn't hear a word out my mouth


Ps pay me the $90 you owe me before you try and tell me^ bout who and how I am

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I tried to be respectful man, but its obvious we aren't friends at all anymore when you don't have the common sense to listen to the truth in what I said.


And I would never pay you shit, I still to this day have done more for you than you ever did for me. At this point...I'd rob you before I'd pay you a fucking penny.


Got something else to say PM me......it just makes me sad as fuck to see someone that I used to have respect for turn into a joke. PBJ made you nothing but an egomaniac.....

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so wait wait wait... so sense misery hasnt been paintin since 06 he's a toy? and hasnt done work? and if he were to come to columbus and do an extinguisher tag it'd get lined???? disappointing.


Same exact shit i was thinking, and if im not wrong i thought he started in 07, so thats even a less amount of time.


and he dosnt run his mouth on here constantly like others.


its always the good writers that dont talk shit every single day on here.

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Rob me? With what, yor syringe?


Maybe if you'd put down the fuckin needle and could keep your eyes open for more then five seconds you'd know I dropped PBJ


Ha, rob me..... Thats a good one.



I've been in treatment for six months, you don't know shit about me either. I take suboxen, i don't shoot dope. But as far as who I am and what I'm capable of, you don't know me any more than I know you apparently. I haven't had a job in 2 years because all I do is boost and rob mother fuckers. As much as you brag to everyone about what you've got, maybe you should think twice about who you're telling. I've got nothing to lose and obviously no reason to have an ounce of respect for you. like I said, got something to say, take it to PMs.

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I tried to be respectful man, but its obvious we aren't friends at all anymore when you don't have the common sense to listen to the truth in what I said.


And I would never pay you shit, I still to this day have done more for you than you ever did for me. At this point...I'd rob you before I'd pay you a fucking penny.


Got something else to say PM me......it just makes me sad as fuck to see someone that I used to have respect for turn into a joke. PBJ made you nothing but an egomaniac.....


Who is this if you dont wanna say but enough with all the let me tell you how its is shit..

Or back in my day shit..this is my day not your day..and these days if you dont paint legal or

Illegal wall or train..your opinion does not matter if you are noe active..


So if you wanna talk shit and never paint you gonna get clowned

Thats just how it

Painting 1-2 times a year that is not a writer..



Haps you still cool i will buy you a beer if i see you out

But please dont drop your opinion on graffiti


No way you started in 98'

Impossible you got flicks post em??

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If you need to know who I am, ask mind@ease or you don't need to know. I wanted this to be on the PM, but mother fuckers don't want it to be like that. I don't have beef with anyone, and am not trying to start shit with anyone. I'm just sick of columbus being represented by egotistical assholes who just want to fight and talk about how cool they are...shit's retarted.

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Errrrrrchhhhh pull the record back misery did a Lil thing called paid dues maybe he ain't been paintin that long but he been puttin in work the whole time and is good if he wanted to do one of those in bustown he earnd it and I'd go with em those guidelines with the party blasters is for new jacks who haven't walkd routes it blows shit up most ppl that get into graffiti are done within a few seasons or there first trip to jail don't get me wrong I love seein ppl get up but not at the cost of ruining it for everyone at least try to get good with a rattlecan before tarding out with a partyblaster shit I invite writers to come fuck Columbus up gives me shit to look at on my daily grind but really who wants toys blowin there spots up?

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It's funny when you can scroll back a few hundred pages and see some of these fools graf careers unfold on the internet.


To go from humble toy trying to be down to cocky thug love ghetto blaster in the matter of a few hundred pages is hilarious to me.


not ONE single G in this game is on here sqwuakin like some of you fools. take notes, act right.

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Almighty Spraypaint


Almighty Satan


Always Smash


Arrow Smith




plug me to chuck d

wanna fight the power


This aint workin here!!

Why am I workin here

































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everyone on here is gay.. bump pbj they have a wide crew who hits every aspect trains,throwups,pieces,straights anything. so post your gay airmaxes your mom found at khols because i bet pbj is gona post 299 pics of better shoes with sexier naked girls.. you cant win. just drop it.. this thread is lame. a bunch of washed up writers joining this forum trying to make a comeback without touching a wall surface... fuckoff..

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by fuck off i ment fuckoff all you "legal" writers who haven't hit an illegal spot in years or isnt planning on it but still brag to your friends that your the "all city kings" that goes for any mods on this site... wheres the new shit,, do it....post it...or do your fucking job as a mod and keep this site straight. dont choose sides and let petty shit go and ban real writers and keep the quiet ones around who just instigate .

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