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wow the last 5 pages have been gay as fuck. cinci columbus and cleveland are all tight as fuck. anyone trying to argue about which one is better doesn't paint cause if you did, you'd be all state and wouldn't need to bitch about it.


but honestly nati is the hardest to paint in city wise(not trains). cleveland is givin up on the buff and therese no cops. columbus is smashed and has fukin puzle pieces on houses signed 99. and nati is completely buffed and anything you do is gone tomorrow and theres 60 billion cops. either way i love smashin em all and theres people in crews that rep every city in ohio at the same time so just paint the state.

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STK kid, there is ONE puzl throw in a dirty campus alley. That is it. Columbus doesn't have a weak buff, it's just been an easy summer.

If you use common sense, you'd realize Columbus has a GANG (literally) of writers tearing shit up.

Who tears it up in cincy? Like 3 or 4 guys?

Clevelands just a huge shithole so we won't go there.


The long n short is this was a graffiti based argument over which city has produced the most quantity and quality of writers and who's put in the most work


And Columbus will take the cake everytime. Make a list if you want, it ain't hard to tell

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Cleveland is cool because you can paint anywhere you want as long as you pay the bridge trolls. And if you don't have any money you can kill them too, which is easy because they're already basically dead. Plus theres medkits everywhere and if you get shot at you can punch a vending machine and drink Mr Pibb for extra life.

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"STK kid, there is ONE puzl throw in a dirty campus alley. That is it."


false. there is a PU throw on the side of a house signed kyt 99. and i see tags i did up there 6 years ago still ridin as well as ender fills in hot spots that have been there for years. in cinci tags i did last night are getting buffed as i type. i'm not raggin bus by any means. its smashed but shit does ride there. you think no one is up in cinci cause the buff is ridiculous and theres way too many cops and the city layout is too spread out and theres nothing to paint. shit if its so smashable come king it. i dare whoever.


and cinci has its writers doin it right now folks but were writers not picture postin internet junkies. just cause 12oz don't see it doesn't mean its not happenin.

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"STK kid, there is ONE puzl throw in a dirty campus alley. That is it."


false. there is a PU throw on the side of a house signed kyt 99. and i see tags i did up there 6 years ago still ridin as well as ender fills in hot spots that have been there for years. in cinci tags i did last night are getting buffed as i type. i'm not raggin bus by any means. its smashed but shit does ride there. you think no one is up in cinci cause the buff is ridiculous and theres way too many cops and the city layout is too spread out and theres nothing to paint. shit if its so smashable come king it. i dare whoever.


and cinci has its writers doin it right now folks but were writers not picture postin internet junkies. just cause 12oz don't see it doesn't mean its not happenin.


False? In case you can't read, I said there is a throw on a grimey campus house. Get it? One throw. Whole city. One.


Don't try to tell me bout my city kid.

Yes, it's crushed right now and not getting the buff

No, that is Not how it usually goes


Columbus is bigger with more money a larger police force and a very valuable student body they protect very well.

Because you/your friend did like what, 10 tags and two spots, don't mean you can"run wild". Come here thinkin that and you'll end up like read more books or any of the other various retards who thought they knew what time it was


Every city has tags and throws and pieces that ride. Everywhere. Your city has them too.


And rofl at Benz/OTE/138 being considered a crew. You can thank him for cincy being a fuckin hotspur by ruining the town with his shitty ass "graffiti"


Ps don't worry kid, you'll see me in cincy soon enough

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