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whats up with BSA




crossing out Alot Tems Hek Hide Kiloz????

I mean i had beef with Alot and Tems but i dropped that shit so when i see there shit x'ed out im like what the fuck....

Kiloz shit is getting crossed out

and BSA crossed out Hek and puts 187....

what the fuck does these bsa cats know the diffrents between taggers and gangs???

i hear lost ran in to Nae back when he was new in the game...

any one have any info post it...

o yea i kno nae pulled a knife out on some T.N.E. writers

and vamped them...

so stay safe!!!!

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whats up with BSA


i hear lost ran in to Nae back when he was new in the game...

any one have any info post it...



Alone painting on the tracks.


Nae One pulls a 9mm on Lost.


Lost talks him down only to see homeboy standing above them both with shotgun.


Nae tells him (shotgun dude) to leave so he does.


Nae and Lost get baked on tracks as Nae talks about how hard he is.


Lost fears for his life but eventually gets to leave.


Lost's piece gets dissed by BSA.

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