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ENKM - that 3D isnt half bad, you got all the proportions fairly spot on. Practice of course, but hells better than alot of beginners who rush into things to quick.

EliAlibi - that style is fucking sick man. been trying to do somethings a little like that myself.

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you got all the proportions fairly spot on.


this is why its the best thing youve done... proportions are probably the most important aspect of sketching and people seem to throw crazy nonsensical proportions out wayy too much...



...take a second and look to see if both sides of your line make an aesthetically pleasing shape, otherwise it will just look awkward when you're done...

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S's?? Haven't ever heard people askin' for that before, either way I'll try and contribute what I know... look at the S on your keyboard, draw it, draw it a few more times to get the general picture, now, try seperating the sections into bars, once you have the basic concept of the S's bars down add maybe some extensions, distort your bars (bend, put breaks in them, etc.), basically that's a good way to figure out your own style for the letter, remember to also make it flow with your other letters, no flow=no go. Now if you still can't seem to get a S, look at some pictures, maybe ask help from your local writers(if you know any). And if NONE of that works, than you my friend, should try other letters.

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