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try doing simpler letters to begin with, I dont know the letters just look uncomfortable

ive already like done throws with simple letters. so I figured I would change it up a bit.

but how are they "uncomfortable" so I can try to improve on thatt

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ive already like done throws with simple letters. so I figured I would change it up a bit.

but how are they "uncomfortable" so I can try to improve on thatt


I suppose I mean there is no flow to them, it just looks off, I wish I could be more descriptive to help

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tone- your name is popular, so dont be suprised if u get hastled,,, on your letters, there nice, well balanced just fix the top of your T

ruck- i like your normal straight letters better but do your thing... just take out the lump on your K

safe?- if that is an F go simpler, i like the rest of your letters but make the left leg of your A thicker.


evolution from tonight




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hey everyone, new here, lookin for some feedback. just registered at bombingscience as well so im gonna just copy paste my first post there. peace.... i'll give some crits first. i hate that words. crit. anyway...


Safe - i agree with roas about the left leg of the a. and yea,'fuck that f.' otherwise i like much.


Tone- i like your bubbles. i'm not so good with bubbles, as you'll see in a sec. the only thing i don't like is that line on the left in the middle bar of the E. dunno why.


Ruck- it looks damn good. maybe shorten up the extension on the u just a bit.


Roas- Small world eh??


copy paste:


this is the very first sketch i've done trying to incorporate things like arrows, bits and connectors. extended a bit on the letters as well. I realize my letter structuring isn't the greatest, but i think they flow together pretty well. i was proud it came out so well. and yes, there is a bit of biting in this one, but we're imitators by nature and i think that's the best way to learn and find your own style. i didn't directly copy tho. gonna work on figuring out a color scheme next.

just looking for a bit of constructive criticism...total time was about 3-4 hours. yes i'm slow!!:)



oh yea, heres my throwup design.



and this was just me playing around with exact measurements and some markers. (i.e. boredom) fucked up the outline but eh.




I know the sketch is a little advance for someone at my experience, i'll put up some simpler shit later. don't be afraid to rip me a new ass.

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sorry but i agree with klendif.. Needa lay off the extensions and stuff for now and get your letter structure down more before you start with the extensions. It's not terrible, I've seen worse, but still you needa practice more :P. And on the throw, I don't really like any of it.. I like the last one though, wake.

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Thanks guys so far. Specially donald, you were most informative. Don't be sorry. The sketch was mainly for experimentation purposes, Never done anything like that. This is one reason I like graff, it doesn't satisfy my ego AT ALL. There like a constant hunger to get better. :) And yea, I'm not a fan of my throw either. I like my e tho.


Anyhow, out of curiousity I went through your guys' older posts just to check out your stuff. Klendif and Donal you guys are lookin good. I really like yours klendif.



Spaer. All I see throughout your archive is MAAAD shit talking and not ONE picture. What the fuck bro....

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not really.







just looks at persue, he bands the bar down far as hell some times



^^^ questionmark?


what i meant was_

the only way i could see anyone saying that loooks similar to a '4' is because on the right side, thing that's liek the straighter part of the 'u' kicks down a little bit.


and i was saying that persue bangs that down farther than you have it some times.

and it still doesn't look like a 4.

so i dunno where he's gettin' that from.

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