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spec the middle of the s is too skinny and the bottom of it too huge....the bottom part of the p shud be skinnier to match the curve of the p..the extension at the end the c is unnecessary....basically make the letter more uniform in width..


define the one below the alts that u posteed is the best...on that one..the arrows are horrible..just look at a bunch of peices to see how its done...the huge arrows are unnecessary because they are coming out of nowhere..the I is to plain compared to the rest of the letters...the N is the weakest letter in that one..i think it s the inner curve.


drips those simples u posted are good..the first one tho has two different styles (the dr and teh ips) and teh second one would look much better without the arrow on the I...


dibs...teh 1st one u posted is pretty good..the 3d is off...i dont like how the i and b are at an angle and intersect each other...and the upper curve of the B seems off to me..maybe make it a bigger curve..


that charlies pretty cool...


keds..the lower right bar of the k would look better if it were skinnier such that it met up with the line coming down from the upper right bar..The e's weak..dunno wat to say abt it...and finally i dunno abt the curve of the d...


the alts is cool...feel like the markers detract from it tho..would look better with other marker or maybe a diff color....


just trying to help out.,...if i forgot any1 who wants crits..just ask.

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