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ok..so im fuckin trashed right now so forgive me for the mistyping...and ..im trying to fuck with my new colorless belender...$4 fuckin dollars dudde...anywayz...i mixed it with some blsck and now its like stuck ont he fuckin nib....and im juswonderuing if i can get that shit off....

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@the pink one - i know you could care less, but i like it with the exception of the left side of the M (maybe make it a straight edge) and the middle part of the E(not feeling the curl you added)




i can see what you feel about the E. but if i made the left arm of the M straight as i have done in other sketches, it leaves a big wide open empty space and fucks up the flow of the piece. thus i have bended it to try and keep an overall composition and flow. again, i am still working on it and i am not very good, so i am open to opinions.





**edit- oh, forgot to mention, im kinda feelin that Rive. i like the fill and the letters are eh ok, i dont like the V-E being stuck together like that. maybe add a outline and change that?




heres one for Knews, Mith, and Zeks. Yea, can u tell i was bored? haha, sorry i didnt put as much into yours Zeks, i was just messin around n shit.





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man. just jack that stuff. no need in paying 4 dollars for a lil pen..


i know right? i could fit like 5 of those fuckin things in my ass and still be able to walk normally :) just fuckin witcha...i just woke up from the craziest fuckin night ever...i think im turning into an alcholic...anywayz...once i get these pictures develeoped..im posting pic of me making out with like 6 girls at once and shit :D


i should probally start racking cause prismas are fuckin mad expensive...

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apologies beforehand for any extremley toy activity...


i dont really go illegal anymore, but i did while i was(and still am) toy, just looking for lettering advice hand advice - any advice i can get...the words i usually write are ACHE, FLIP, DUME, and SAKE...dont worry if their taken - like i said, im not doing em outside my notebook


and ive been doing simples for about a year now, so yea..these are all gonna be non simples


also, sorry for bad flicks..


meh...crits on the hands and the piece??



i know the obvious crits such as the sizing here, and the shadow is fucked up, but any other crits besides those 2??




is that a guy ? LMAO

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nah - i didnt draw it on myself..its my gf,



and i dont understand what im supposed to do with my simples - i can post some up tomorrow, im at my dads house and my blackbooks are at my moms(thus the notebook paper) but yea, i can toss out a pretty decent simple - but how do i tweak em??


and what about the handstyles?? any crits would be appreciated..


@the pink one - i know you could care less, but i like it with the exception of the left side of the M (maybe make it a straight edge) and the middle part of the E(not feeling the curl you added)




some actuall feed would be appreciated..






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i can see what you feel about the E. but if i made the left arm of the M straight as i have done in other sketches, it leaves a big wide open empty space and fucks up the flow of the piece. thus i have bended it to try and keep an overall composition and flow. again, i am still working on it and i am not very good, so i am open to opinions.





**edit- oh, forgot to mention, im kinda feelin that Rive. i like the fill and the letters are eh ok, i dont like the V-E being stuck together like that. maybe add a outline and change that?




heres one for Knews, Mith, and Zeks. Yea, can u tell i was bored? haha, sorry i didnt put as much into yours Zeks, i was just messin around n shit.






haha thanks man

youve actually inspired me to try some simples


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