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why do fills matter.... seriously i could give a shit about colors id rather look at good letters that are hollow than shity letters with like 4 different colors

no saying my hollows are good im just saying

and the thing you posted for me before had no fill....


this different...?

and people stop making sketches for me i apreciate it but ill probably never gain anything from it ive never bitten before and never want to and the whole inspriing thing doesnt work to well for me....

and for the last few things i posted were they good..?

thats all i want answered



coke i like this throw alot. keep sketching.

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Bugs, the point was not to bitch, he was only saying that your name "LASE" is already mad taken, and by some ill writers. You shouldn't take offence to that, because he's kinda right.

You don't see anyone writing COPE3 or anything.


But other than that, your painting is clean.


yer thats true. but think how many graffiti artists there are in the world and then think of how many tag names you can actually use. the likelyness is, most peoples tags are pobably being used by someone else too.

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but the point is if you dont learn 3d your never gonna do it..if you never do straight letters...thats all i was saying was try something new instead of being a straihgt up bubble letter throwie person...so you could be a rounded writer..i wasnt trying to rip on you...and mine wasnt filled in because i drew it then poseted it....but coke everyones bit someone...or looks like their bitten...becasue almost every letters has been recycled for years and years now...im saying dont bite the whole thing..bite a little part you might like now...so later you can make your own shit...

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