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the way i see it is its all good sayin go simple but tbf we dont all wana look the same


and if all u lot keep saying stay simple no1's guan get better cus ur jsut guna dis watever they do


there are sum ppl that need to actually learn to draw


but not go simple simples wack own style is the shit


shud jsut rename this thread only post if u can draw letters from the alhabet



i think its a good idea to change the name to that, actually.

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Well to the super king he says we dont all wanna look the same, you dont need to look the same really do you use your head, once you become half decent you'll relise that doing straights and simples is a good thing because you can add it to pieces or whatever. But then again once you get better at doing simples you dont usually go out and paint you sit at home and make your own style, add shit to simple letters then make them bend about and make them look better etc.

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youngin could you give me some critz if you cbf. peace.


aight melbs...i dont really get what your tryna do in the first place. your R is a big off, not just the fact that its fat or nothing. also extend the bottom right part of your R. and i feel like your tryna add some curvy parts to your letters but then again you have edgy parts. you cant be doing that. your bottom E is off so fix that. try writing a backwords 3 and then fixing it into a E. your bottom S part if off too. make the bottom part more facing up if you know what im saying

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