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[quote=Naoibh O'Connor, Vancouver Courier

Published: Wednesday, January 30, 2008]VPD cops wiped off city's anti-graffiti beat

Community coordinator braces for 'spray bombs'

Naoibh O'Connor, Vancouver Courier

Published: Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The Vancouver Police Department is blaming staff shortages for its removal of officers from its two-member anti-graffiti unit.


Formed in the early 2000s, the unit reported a 77 per cent drop in graffiti in its first three years through work with the city's graffiti management program.


The unit created a database of taggers and their profiles, which helped in investigations.

The VPD's decision to disband the anti-graffiti unit has prompted predictions of increased 'tagging' throughout Vancouver.View Larger Image View Larger Image

The VPD's decision to disband the anti-graffiti unit has prompted predictions of increased 'tagging' throughout Vancouver.


Vancouver Police Department spokesman Const. Tim Fanning said the officers are being pulled from the unit because they were needed on patrol to help with 911 calls. "We're looking at hiring, hopefully many more officers over the next couple of years," he added. "As soon as our strength's up, then we'll be able to have the anti-graffiti unit running again. It's basically on hold. It's not being shut down."


But the decision worries Daniel Paquin, coordinator of the city's anti-graffiti program, which enjoyed a close relationship with the officers in the unit. "They're not saying they're closing the anti-graffiti unit, but having no officers there the result is the same," he said. "No investigations will be made on graffiti issues. We're quite concerned about this because we all work together here and if we cannot have anyone investigating prolific taggers and catching them, then we're in for a big battle here in the city. It's going to be a mess, especially now that 2010's approaching and the culture out there. The word is out--Vancouver is going to get bombed. That means spray bombed."


Paquin suspects taggers will take advantage of the news and vandalize property, photograph it and put it on the Internet. The city's anti-graffiti program staff also work with property-use inspectors, the engineering department and a graffiti removal contractor, Goodbye Graffiti, to manage the graffiti problem.


The city program has worked recently with Burnaby and New Westminster to establish a Metro Vancouver task force. But those efforts might be hurt by the police unit's cuts. "There's nothing we can do here. We do not enforce the laws here. It's the police that does that," Paquin said. "We're hoping that officers working the beat or patrol officers will be a little bit more vigilant and look for these taggers."


Patrol officers have made arrests in the past when they've caught taggers in the act and charged them with mischief. But now they won't be able to transfer case files to a specific unit, which would investigate the incident more deeply.


Paquin pointed to a new tagger, identifying himself as "Joe," who's been hitting the Broadway corridor. His office has a lead on Joe's identity and what school he attends. Paquin would typically pass the information on to the police's anti-graffiti unit, who would pursue it with the school liaison officer. The officer could then prepare a case against the offender with the unit's database of tags.


Vancouver has seen a recent increase in graffiti with the resurgence of hip-hop culture and the popularity of tagging in videogames and advertisements. "There's quite a few people that are disturbed [about the members being removed from the unit]," Paquin said, adding, "Vancouver was the first municipality in Canada to form an anti-graffiti unit, and I get emails from all over the place on the planet... People are interested because graffiti has gone down quite a bit in Vancouver. [This news] is having a big effect on all of us in this business."



© Vancouver Courier 2008



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when i first started painting i was on the second level ledge doing a shitty throw and some guy drove up (which i later found out was "dirt") and started yelling at me saying that it was his yard i was in. Since i was only 13 and this huge guy in his 20's was yelling at me i was scared shitless, he told me to give him my paint so i did which is when he proceeded to cap the production on the opposing wall with his ugly dirt throwy.he told me to get the fuck out of there before i got my ass kicked. I headed over to 434 (which is now third) and told them my story, i couple of people from BA crew got pretty choked on the situation after i showed them the dirt throwy, they gave me a bunch of montana after hearing he took my paint and then they painted BA on one of the pillars with a message to dirt beneath(which was later painted over to avoid anymore problems) you can still see the BA in this picture.



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  • 3 weeks later...
n e above or stompdown shit


This thread is for vancity, not lame Surrey shit.

all above does is paint in the middle of nowhere and films his shit to post on youtube.

he has to draw up some new shit, he paints the same burners over and over again.


As for stompdown, im not sure what the deal is with them. I do know they love fliming themselves and posting that shit on youtube.


It seems like Stompdown is in someway connected with EPHIN which IMO is a pretty fucking questionable brand.First off they want a piece of everything (snowboarding,skateboarding,graff,hip hop). Aside from that they have some apparel that personally comes off as a bite.









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