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Burners and Style!


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take a new page for 400 chuck..



this one was painted first..




Then this one came right after..




Yep same guy.. straddling 2009 and 2010


done on the same day or u dropped a quicky after finishing up on the 3d on the 2nd day?


rocking love hearts, i thought u were about the evil shiz..i dunno..lol


dope work as perusual.

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Tis better to lose sleep,

while the sheeple sleep,

for wolves attack best,

in the darkness of the deep.


God:Dog as Flow:Wolf


(_____) is great than what you and I already know.


1st-12th was free. We got to 13 and that is where the numerology kicked. Freedumb starts when you pay for the education someone made up. Our imagination gave way to intelligence, intelligence though, when provided merely for the acquisition of pointless points is merely a monopoly of the people and the individual. There is no ledge in knowledge.


I was born phree, I will die phree, while alive my surrounding humans conditioned themselves to believe money was the ultimate end all. In that case, most of my fellow ilk lived as slaves, we are still slaves today. Debt slaves rather.


The only place on can find play before work, is in the dictionary. My father was right, bless his soul, that which I will one day meet.


Pro$titute$ : Doctor$ : Proffe$$or$


Many men can write F-A-C-E. Take those same men and place them in front of a mirror and tell them to draw what they see. Few come back with anything of representational value at all.


Masterminds Often Need Everyone Yearning


Cash On Learnig Leaves Economical(or Ecological) Gaps Everywhere


Learning Is(n't) Forever Eternal


Somehow Competition Hurt Our Opportunistic Learning


Wreaking Away Reason


Hiding Our Meager Egocentricism


After 9/11 we got Loose Change. Come 2009 and we sold out to cheap change. In the end the only thing left is the inevitable, no change at all. The pussification of man is spreading like the plague. Practice peace. Pass - a - fist. Learn to fight, get into a fight, after all is said and done, learn to respect the fight.


Finding In Great Hardships Triumph, that is Life at it's best.


You are me, as I am you, this could be you, but the powers that be have failed you. Keep working.


Wasting Our Reasonable Knowledge Eventually Ruins Society


As long as money is the impetus of man as opposed to the goodwill of man , all mankind will never truly know itself or what it could have fully been.


A-Z and 0-9 exists solely in the minds of the animal who claims himself human. All animals know this.


I have given up on authority. My sense are now pure. I know now that to be blind is to see the (____), to be deaf is to hear the (____), to be hungry is to taste (_____), and to be alone is to feel (______).


A man asked me what time it was. I told him it was now. He then went on his way and WON.


Everyday is SUNday.


I once feared the po' lice and the poli...tics, but now I just fear for the sheeple. Left, left, left, right, left.... and so I left the march of distractions and destructions and stood on the side watching. Utter disgust at all the nationalism, racism, bigotry, -ism's of all sorts, violence, and all the other issues faced I just gave up. How can a people believe that someone will change them? How can a people believe a system will change them? But then I came to the conclusion that the same system that had fronted as my benefactor was actually my crutch, government was killing my ability to self-govern myself. It probably has you stuck on the same day in, day out, unachieving mode, 24/7.


Just Over Broke Sucks.


Correction Only Please Some


If I died today, and met death, I would ask death what it's true name was.


Murder is the ultimate lack of empathy, and yet still the media, the entertainment, and even our policies towards peace all call on it. We sick bunch of Mother(nature)fuckers.


The only woman I can stand is Mother Nature. The rest of the women are best when attached to my hip. Giggidy giggidy.


When I die, do not, I repeat, do not cover my body, I was born naked and will leave naked. Second, do not, I repeat, do not put me in a box. My whole life I have watched as man has been afraid of the very earth he has lived on. If I am to live in boxes all my life, upon my departure I do not want any sort of entrapment that would disturb my final shag with mother nature. Let me sleep in her womb once again, and in time I will give back all that I have taken.


Never Ending World Sorrow


Time Vacuum


Personal Corrupter


Repeated All Day In Order


Lunatic is a minority of one, Madness is a multitude of many.


You call me deep, I call you ford. You can't swim that's your problem.


Copy a dictionary my kindred spirits, become ambidextrous, lose the freedumb and start STANDING for phreesmart. Your understanding lead you to undervaluing, this in turn leads to underachieving.


Long, long ago men of a certain kith and kin could draw, paint, design, invent, and what have you. The renaissance was a prime example. 2010 and the walls lay bland. The men can easily coat a wall one flat color and yet still long ago without the aid of computers and what have you certain men maid temples, paintings, and some even had the audacity to lie on their backs for about 8yrs and do out the Sistene chapel. We have gone backwards.


iPhone, iPod, iTouch, iAmnotwhatiprescribetobe


Gets People Shot, ask an Iraqi or an Afghani if I'm lying.


Who, when, what, where, why, and how? These six words all enable discovery, but it comes a point in ones life when asking to much from these six and one is merely trying to escape self-discovery.


Boosting Ones Own Knowledge Steadily.


You are the sperm that won. Never ever, for even a sec, feel as though you have lost. The government loves to make losers out of winners.


The reason the world has a drug problem is because the governments that started all the drugs now allow the man to push to the man. Government could easily step in, start selling the same drugs as the dealers, but they must put on a show of morality. In time all humanity will see that the fight against drugs and violence is merely a farce. Laws beget crime as much as crime begets law. In God we trust right, In GOD we trust, RIGHT, so why the phuck don't you trust him, rather ask yourself, why don't you trust yourself.


Mans only true bank, and probably one of the easiest to permeate if not watched out for, lies behind his eyes, and sits in between his ears.


Hopes and dreams are for losers. Actions and an acute sense of one self are for losers.


If you have no friends, cry, tears never overdue their stay, and if need be, can come back and company you at any time.


Trust me when I say, when one speaks to me these days it had better be something of damn good importance or don't really register much at all.


Quiet, Silence, Nothing, Calm, who the phuck came up with such ludicrous words. If I get to heaven, if there is even one, I'm beating the shit out of the guy who had the balls to name Silence. Seriously.... duuuurrrhrurhfag.


All beings are like snowflakes, in time your stay will disperse from your own knowledge, when that happens you can finally say you have met the truth. For now, keep melting.


Santa isn't real. Face it, like you would a mirror.


Wow, I can't believe your still reading this. Hey if you are in another country right now or on some mission secret mission to protect my freedumb, know this, freedumb isn't really real. Life is. There are no restart buttons to this shit so if all that PS3 and Xbox has you numb and dumb, come back. You will never win. Ever. Violence is unstoppable, and it's even more unstoppable when you run around in another man's land saying "We come in peace, and GET THE THE PHUCK ON THE FLOOR OR THE LITTLE ONE GETS IT". Come back home brothers, sisters, children, fighting an evil war for the sake of their leaders. I would never lead other men to fight my fights. I fight my own fights and if it might kill me, then let it just be me. Come back before you come back in a bag.


Man vs Man is considered a fight. The public sees this as a disturbance. Men vs Men is considered a war. The public sees this as an obligation. Man vs men is considered a martyrdom or a crucifixion. The public sees this as a savior. Must men die to prove that they are saving something, must they.....?


Nigger:Gook:Spic:Cracker:Nigger. We all human. Anything else they call you, you either believe or you don't. Silly niggers.


Copyrights are for cowards,

Patents are for pussies,

Trademarks are for traitors,

& Wisdumb is for wussies.


If men be the image of God then I must say the mind is still in the last of the devil.


Left Hand - Right Brain , Right Hand - Left Brain , Both Hands - Complete Brain


Your still sleeping, WTFU!?$


Pathetic psychopaths now trounce on the psychology of the people. In due time, and only through the most common of senses, patience, will the people see that they have been lied to.


Life and only life. I was told be careful how you live for the Devil is the lived. Upon understanding the man, I also notice the evil implied in live. Do or life, for money always has men asking, "How ought I to LIVE, without money."


The love of money is the root of all evil. - I Timothy. VI.10


I am the 2nd best rapper alive. I speak frankly and openly.


I'm purged for the moment, enough typing. Go now and send this to a friend or family if you will, tell them the truth is merely a pretext to a lie if you go and name it. No yourself, draw yourself. I can only let out so much before I must get back to my daily wisdumb.


In life you have but three things to make art, farts, and shit. What did you make today. And some of you already have done 2 out of 3 already.


MLK had a dream, I'm having a nightmare.


Your opinion is worth squat, your thoughts are as ephemeral as a soothing breeze, and your actions are the gold. A YOU, Au. Are you up now. Start acting like gold for christ sake.





peace b/w/u (or chaos, it's on you, your pick)

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