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Last night was my first of many weekly circuit races here in town. They hold them at the local car racing track. It's a short twho mile course with two long sweeping turns and one section of an S turn... the rest of the course is straight. Pan flat.


Last nights race was interesting because it was pouring down rain the whole time so the course was wet, and with car races going on there all the time the road was kinda slick. Too slick for cycling, if you ask me. In the first lap one guy went down in the first turn. The third lap there was a huge crash and a bunch of guys went down. Oddly enough... the pace picked up after that and everyone seemed to stay upright. Otherwise it was a boring race. Really fast because my category is bunch with the 1 & 2's. Kinda sucks because in reality you're just pack fill but I was able to get to the front and do some work a few times. It's good to race with the higher categories because you learn to ride better and faster, I think.


The weather is just as shitty today. Time to go and ride on the trainer for a couple of hours...



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if an explaition is necessary...


those bikes are from a japanese site


like a bike check...


the spinergy bike is tight despite the wheel


i posted those tracks for other people to look at


i could give a fuck about track bikes and do ride

Wtf are you talking about? The only thing spinergy IS the wheel. You dont have a clue what those pictures are even of, do you? Its not like cars and jdm shit where people in america will go on a foreign website to see something theyve never seen before. Its the same bike market the world over, so whatever cool cred you thought you might get by digging up some shit on a website you cant understand just shot you down. Overdesigned downhill bikes (which is a fucking stupid sport anyway because all the work of getting up the hill is removed), terribly designed bikes with mtorcycle fenders to hide the lack of ingenuity, a badass cinelli olympus with a gay-ass Louis Vatton tube protector... The people who know bikes dont want to look at that shit, and the people who dont really shouldnt be looking at that shit. Thanks for fucking up a great page.

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actually bianchi has bikes that are only available to the european market.

ones that you will only see if you get to bianchi.it such as the D2 pista ALU.

i mean i suppose you could get them imported.

just like you could get an NJS frame imported.

but now i am separating the pepper from the fly shit.


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Wtf are you talking about? The only thing spinergy IS the wheel. You dont have a clue what those pictures are even of, do you? Its not like cars and jdm shit where people in america will go on a foreign website to see something theyve never seen before. Its the same bike market the world over, so whatever cool cred you thought you might get by digging up some shit on a website you cant understand just shot you down. Overdesigned downhill bikes (which is a fucking stupid sport anyway because all the work of getting up the hill is removed), terribly designed bikes with mtorcycle fenders to hide the lack of ingenuity, a badass cinelli olympus with a gay-ass Louis Vatton tube protector... The people who know bikes dont want to look at that shit, and the people who dont really shouldnt be looking at that shit. Thanks for fucking up a great page.


dude chill out. i actually enjoyed looking at those bikes, and i ride my bike a lot. frankly, it was a lot interesting then hearing everyone talking about their pista and what toe clips to ride with. no need for the animosity. A majority of those bikes are mountain bikes. So its understandable that those with the fixed gear hype background think its lame. Knowing bikes is more then just knowing fixies.

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Wtf are you talking about? The only thing spinergy IS the wheel. You dont have a clue what those pictures are even of, do you? Its not like cars and jdm shit where people in america will go on a foreign website to see something theyve never seen before. Its the same bike market the world over, so whatever cool cred you thought you might get by digging up some shit on a website you cant understand just shot you down. Overdesigned downhill bikes (which is a fucking stupid sport anyway because all the work of getting up the hill is removed), terribly designed bikes with mtorcycle fenders to hide the lack of ingenuity, a badass cinelli olympus with a gay-ass Louis Vatton tube protector... The people who know bikes dont want to look at that shit, and the people who dont really shouldnt be looking at that shit. Thanks for fucking up a great page.



wow crazy reaction...


you must have misunderstood that the bike i described as "spinergy" is a brooklyn thru and thru, primo, dk and profile part... i used spinergy to describe it


I know exactly what im talking about, i used to messenger but prefer to ride dh/ds bikes

i wasnt searching for cred just to share dope/ interesting rides in a thread about bikes not just track bikes or race bikes


Brooklyns arent overdesigned, they are designed for two purposes going down hill and riding over shitty track bike hipsters who skoff at the world as lame (not necessarily you)









^^^full sus BMX BMW






^^present for you


BMW's track bike i hope it stands up to your judgement:bawling::bawling::innocent:












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You got me all wrong. I dont care about fixies. I just like simplicity of cycling, and the concept of driving to a ski resort in the offseason to skilift up a hill and go downhill on a full hydraulic suspension bicycle, is fucking lame. Theres little to no sensation from a ride like that, just speed you cant feel because the bumps were all absorbed. I like looking at fixed gears because you can read the use by the bike and its components. Consumerism with mountain bikes became a huge fad in the 90s that never went away so posting photos of em isnt my thing. Also, theres a difference between bikes that are fun to look at for reasons of irony, novelty, craftsmenship, or heritage... and then theres bikes that look like they came from K-mart. Case in point, everything swedish tried to defend, haha.



^^present for you


BMW's track bike i hope it stands up to your judgement

Heres the thing about posting pictures, you have to know what youre posting. You cant just post random shit and expect anyone to care. Yes its a fixed gear, im glad you noticed, but see that geometry? Thats no track bike. Thats what old men get their road bikes in when their body cant take the fit of a real road bike anymore. Its a recreational/commuter geometry. See that seat post? Thats one of the few great trends we can thank the MTB boom for. It looks dumb and it defeats the point of even buying that bike to begin with. Then he moved the saddle forward because he just wants an upright seating position on a bike thats too small. Theres nothing track about it except those cranks. The componentrys fair enough and i like brooks for heavily used bikes, but its just a crudely welded cromo cheapo bike.


All thats my opinion, so why dont you ask a real question next time.

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Also whoissueth, most major bicycle manufacturers place small bike companies into countries under the big company name to design a range of bikes to fit the demographic. Bianchis big out here because its considered local by folks, not necessarily Italian. My point was theres nothing youd ever want to import that you cant already find on craigslist. Some mid-range bianchi in the UKs only going to be different by the tubing differentiating a few centimeters, paint scheme, and name.


Edit: Yeah what the fuck am i typing so much for?

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Yeah, downhill mountain biking has no sensations or thrills... That might be true if you're going down the fireroad, but i can tell you first hand that its a differant story if youre doing actual downhill trails. Plus, even for XC mountain bike racers, doing downhill runs from time to time can help you improve your lap splits, especially on the NORBA circuit where the downhills aren't cake runs.

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soup stop trying to educate everyone.

i recall you were the one posting up all kinds of ridiculous track bikes

talking about i want this...or maybe this...and then you got a concept.

prior to that you were happy riding around on your trek 1000.

just relax.


edit - it is spelled 'who is euth' without the spaces.

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