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This forum is supported by the 12ozProphet Shop, so go buy a shirt and help support!
This forum is brought to you by the 12ozProphet Shop.
This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.
  • Replies 4.1k
  • Created
  • Last Reply

batty boy form got caught fuckin deams arse



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oxegen theifs are too scared to paint in notts ...bang bang boyz



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i hear oxegen theifs are to pussy to paint in notts cus yfc,c are gonna kick em up ..........bang bang your dead........



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha ha

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they're slightly different. the Ziml arrows are clever cos the third arrow is made using the other two. Cruel's 'invention' is just 3 arrows overlapped :lol:


so maybe not a direct bite, just a step backwards. its like designing a Walkman that looks like an iPod.








not putting these up to embarrass Cruel. people can make up their own minds...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Jokes :lol::lol:


I didn't think this thread could get any more pathetic. Grown men acting like little boys.


I'm sure it's obvious to anybody who has half a brain that the wasteman who's sabotaged this thread has done so to hide the revelations that came out a few pages back. It's even more blatant that he doesn't represent the crews he's chatting about.


Also, Key who elected you the Notts graff commentator? Yfc's have never claimed not to paint hofs, they can be fun in moderation. It's just not about painting the same spots over and over and then going on like your big in the game.


Out to all YFCS, YWS, DFS, OTC, WRU.



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  • Create New...