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houston is weak... i moved here from LA a year ago and no one does work... i got a few spots running and people think im up... this shit aint even dont right out here... where's the real writers at????


lol you came to the wrong spot...welcome to the place where noone cares and everyone hates.



p.s. fuck LA

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thers people doing work, the city is just too damn big too see it for one thing, another u prolly aint goin thru where most of it is like hoodspots..driving the freeways aint gonna show u shit cuz the city buffs spots out so quikly especially the nice parts of the inner loop..but motorhead's right, no one cares and everyone hates..oh and the lakers suk!!

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what do i do when it tells me my pictures are too many KB or whatever. i know how to resize it but i cant figure that part out. i've got alot of flicks from heads all over texas but 12 oz is acting like a little bitch. help me help you

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also ya'll should stop talkin and start takin pictures. there's alot of graff in houston right now but it seems like everyone just wants to up themselves. we have a chance to really put houston on the map cause of how much talent is here. we just got to be about it. (myself included) bump EVERYONE. if i see it from now on im flickin it.

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Hahaha hey shit bull no you don't ...... Houston should have shirts that say " fuck you im from Houston" and on the back it has a sticker that say "and im a hater !"






also ya'll should stop talkin and start takin pictures. there's alot of graff in houston right now but it seems like everyone just wants to up themselves. we have a chance to really put houston on the map cause of how much talent is here. we just got to be about it. (myself included) bump EVERYONE. if i see it from now on im flickin it.


try using tinypic, you can resize it there and it should make the file smaller

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what do i do when it tells me my pictures are too many KB or whatever. i know how to resize it but i cant figure that part out. i've got alot of flicks from heads all over texas but 12 oz is acting like a little bitch. help me help you


ur probably uploading too many pics at one time, check the maximum size of the upload count and post under that like if it says max kb is 120, check the size of ur pix and add the kb's as u go to stay under tha max

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Just go to tinypic.com and upload there. Once the pic is uploaded copy the URL and then when your making a post on here, put Insert Image URL.


I'm gonna start getting around and taking a lot of Houston graff pics now...




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King 157, Tkid,,, awwww thier all the same, just a buncha of fucken niggars. Houston, L.A, its all the fucken same,,, just a buncha of fucken niggars! There it no fucken graff in this city no matter where you go, Its just a bunch of fucken niggasss I tell ya... :D

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Im sho if i go into the la thread saying they r weak n aint shit kats would get at me too so it aint really hating, and la prolly does have graffiti everywhere, but dont knock houston in its own thread cuz there are decent writers here and its more than a hand full in my opinion, but like i said here the city gives a shit too much about keeping it out because this is more of a big business type of city but whatever thats jus my opinion

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It's kinda hard to compare those two cities because you got different mentalities,diferent city polotics its like comparing apples to oranges. If you from L.A. and dissappointed with H.town...then bring what you like about L.A to Htown. In the end it aint where you from it's where youre at.

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i'm not coming into this thread trying to hate whatsoever. i just dont see a scene out here. the rails i bench and paint seem to have shit running down the lines all the time. i see the homies from the west coast, along with WH and others that are doing work. i would want nothing more than to paint out here. but where?? it seems like there aint anywhere to paint, and the few street spots i have painted have been buffed so quick it wasnt worth how hectic they were. i see tags and scribes alot. but nothing else. my boy got some dudes in his crew UPN out here now.

from what i see that dude ABELS murders. and everyone that i've run into still talks abotu YANOE. its like he's the only king houston has ever had. i moved here and am here for the duration so im just trying to figure out what the fuck this city is really about.

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