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I miss the good ole days too. Back when you could roll by the Wall of Fame, see a sick VIZIE or NEXT or KAZE piece, and that would get you inspired enough to go try and do dayfreights all over the city before coming home at night and telling my parents that my day in Houston was "Fun." Yeah. Walking the lines during broad daylight with two cameras, one film and one digital, no one giving a shit that we were there and writing on everything. Houston was a great scene to come up in but...not so sure about now? Does anyone else miss the naivette of the common public? Used to be, you could paint anything in front of someone and they'd go, "Huh?" Now, you so much as walk toward a place of suspected graffiti and the cell comes out to phone the po's. Pssh. Fuck the public, fuck the cops. I wish we could turn back time too..graffiti used to be pretty cool...

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Originally posted by Southern kid

I miss the good ole days too. Back when you could roll by the Wall of Fame, see a sick VIZIE or NEXT or KAZE piece, and that would get you inspired enough to go try and do dayfreights all over the city before coming home at night and telling my parents that my day in Houston was "Fun." Yeah. Walking the lines during broad daylight with two cameras, one film and one digital, no one giving a shit that we were there and writing on everything. Houston was a great scene to come up in but...not so sure about now? Does anyone else miss the naivette of the common public? Used to be, you could paint anything in front of someone and they'd go, "Huh?" Now, you so much as walk toward a place of suspected graffiti and the cell comes out to phone the po's. Pssh. Fuck the public, fuck the cops. I wish we could turn back time too..graffiti used to be pretty cool...




take a nap...

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i dont know where your from ^^^^^


man dawg i dont where the fuck your from, but houston has never been that ignorant towards graff you were just younger then and people didnt expect it now that your older people wonder what it is your doin in a yard with a camera and a back pack ..houston has always been full of heroes !!!!! no bullshit ..houston has never been like l.a or new york wher peopla were blind enough no tto knwo graffiti was being put on their building ..you MUST be from hooverville out in mayberry.....peace i understand your poin texactly i just wanted to argue it ...but yeah i miss those days too if they were ever true .......bu tim gonnan tell you a reminission of how it was through my eyes ..you meet a new writer and you appreciated him or her more you actually want to paint with them now you meet someone and chances are theyre toy and they suck leaveing you with a bad idea of a newer writer and plus half the time theyre kickin g it with you theyre tryint to stirr up some beef between you and someone else or beef abou tother people ..my point is now a dasy noones is to be trusted because of this 12 oz bullshit or houstongraffiti people come here and vent out theyre feelings about you anonimously and put a grin on theyre face in person around you ...then come home a run theyre grill fuck toys 12oz and hgraff im out .......if anybody needs me ill be in the lobby selling videos and dvds....and all sorts of other shit

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Re: i dont know where your from ^^^^^


Originally posted by anonimojo

man dawg i dont where the fuck your from, but houston has never been that ignorant towards graff you were just younger then and people didnt expect it now that your older people wonder what it is your doin in a yard with a camera and a back pack ..houston has always been full of heroes !!!!! no bullshit ..houston has never been like l.a or new york wher peopla were blind enough no tto knwo graffiti was being put on their building ..you MUST be from hooverville out in mayberry.....peace i understand your poin texactly i just wanted to argue it ...but yeah i miss those days too if they were ever true .......bu tim gonnan tell you a reminission of how it was through my eyes ..you meet a new writer and you appreciated him or her more you actually want to paint with them now you meet someone and chances are theyre toy and they suck leaveing you with a bad idea of a newer writer and plus half the time theyre kickin g it with you theyre tryint to stirr up some beef between you and someone else or beef abou tother people ..my point is now a dasy noones is to be trusted because of this 12 oz bullshit or houstongraffiti people come here and vent out theyre feelings about you anonimously and put a grin on theyre face in person around you ...then come home a run theyre grill fuck toys 12oz and hgraff im out .......if anybody needs me ill be in the lobby selling videos and dvds....and all sorts of other shit





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Re: i dont know where your from ^^^^^


Originally posted by anonimojo

man dawg i dont where the fuck your from, but houston has never been that ignorant towards graff you were just younger then and people didnt expect it now that your older people wonder what it is your doin in a yard with a camera and a back pack ..houston has always been full of heroes !!!!! no bullshit ..houston has never been like l.a or new york wher peopla were blind enough no tto knwo graffiti was being put on their building ..you MUST be from hooverville out in mayberry.....peace i understand your poin texactly i just wanted to argue it ...but yeah i miss those days too if they were ever true .......bu tim gonnan tell you a reminission of how it was through my eyes ..you meet a new writer and you appreciated him or her more you actually want to paint with them now you meet someone and chances are theyre toy and they suck leaveing you with a bad idea of a newer writer and plus half the time theyre kickin g it with you theyre tryint to stirr up some beef between you and someone else or beef abou tother people ..my point is now a dasy noones is to be trusted because of this 12 oz bullshit or houstongraffiti people come here and vent out theyre feelings about you anonimously and put a grin on theyre face in person around you ...then come home a run theyre grill fuck toys 12oz and hgraff im out .......if anybody needs me ill be in the lobby selling videos and dvds....and all sorts of other shit


this is nice, i agree, little toy ass chumps(myself included at one time) used twelve ounce to get known and act ough. Thing is when you meet me in person ill tell you the same shit i say on here. Iant never scurred whoop my ass, pull your shank, Graff aint worth that much to me but i still live the lifestyle because i love the streets. peace


keep ya heads up even if youra toy who is full of envy cause you to scared to get up.

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Re: Re: i dont know where your from ^^^^^


Originally posted by robotripp

this is nice, i agree, little toy ass chumps(myself included at one time) used twelve ounce to get known and act ough. Thing is when you meet me in person ill tell you the same shit i say on here. Iant never scurred whoop my ass, pull your shank, Graff aint worth that much to me but i still live the lifestyle because i love the streets. peace


keep ya heads up even if youra toy who is full of envy cause you to scared to get up.


aahh fuck it ...ill never meet you anyways ..so fuck what i said

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ATTENTION HOUSTON! im about to get the real MONTANA spraypaint, within the next 3 weeks or so. Believe me, the cheapest prices in town,... gauranteed! If ya'll interested hitmeup. lordepisoder@hotmail.com <<<<<<< I know exactly how it feels to waste money on paint that should'nt be expensive!. I'm trying to hook all the writers up, I also got mags. markers. tips. videos,dvds, sketch books, etc...

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well i heard supher dont have a venue booked yet, but u didnt hear that from me! as far as the paint and shit goes, im most likley going to start off at the flea cause of the simple fact that im not in it for the MONEY$. which sounds crazy as hell but believe that. I hardly paint with montana. It would feel dope as fuck to actauly afford MONTANA!!! I know others feel the same fucking way!

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