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yo ROUGE, you should test the drips wit a word an shit. Just having the drips and not the actual stroke of how it comes out the marker. Just a little heads up an i aint knockin ur shit. also, do what im doing an help out your local up an comers with some hot inks/paints.


Yeah, I just took a quick pic for that, but I'll have more pics soon. I'll also take your advice.


^^This deserves to be bumped to this page in the best of ways.

The color looks great, and your attitude is incredibly awesome!


You've got that PMA!


Thanks a lot dude. I just don't want to start shit between me and Junobo. Thanks for the comment on the color, just wait for the others. :cool:

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cmon man fuk its a thread talkin to ppl no a machine if u cant undertsand wat im sayin u must have bad gramma its very similar to the real word all u have 2 do is stop and look at it


I understood a little less than half of that. But from what I got out of it: "Bad gramma" will make people misunderstand things. This seems true and false in both ways.


True: People with "bad gramma", like yourself, can not understand things easily. For example: "How do I unscrew a cap?"


False: If I had "bad gramma" I would be able to understand you, not misunderstand you.



Thank God I don't have "bad gramma."

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yeah rogue i appreciate your attitude, and appreciate the respect you give us. do your thing.


It's no problem. I really respect what you guys are doing, keep making great paints.



Well I'm expierimenting with 2 new reds that I'm working on. They still need ome color work, but oh well, here's some progress on them. When I get them the way they should be, I'll post new pics.


This kinda looks like blood to me.




Here's my other dark red




Tell me what you think, since they are still being made. What do you like don't like, what should be added color wise? Let me know and I'll take it into consideration while I'm mixing.

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this is a thread about ink recipes, which implies making your own ink, not buying others. Selling your ink in this thread defeats the purpose kinda.


If that's directed to me, I'm not posting them to sell it. But, If someone wants to buy it, then they can, they just have to ask. I just wanna show my colors I have so they can be fixed or already good enough. If that wasn't directed towards me, then sorry. I mean you did say ink, not paint.

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this is a thread about ink recipes, which implies making your own ink, not buying others. Selling your ink in this thread defeats the purpose kinda.


^^almost everything on 12oz defeats any purpose of the original intent.

These threads aren't gospel either. You just have to go with it, or

don't. It's the American way at least. Plus... there are really only

3 people that sell anything in this and the marker thread. The rest

is half mindless babble, and half pretty good recipe talk. You really

have to sift through the whole thread lightly, or search a topic and you

can get really good info. Just have to look hard enough.

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^^almost everything on 12oz defeats any purpose of the original intent.

These threads aren't gospel either. You just have to go with it, or

don't. It's the American way at least. Plus... there are really only

3 people that sell anything in this and the marker thread. The rest

is half mindless babble, and half pretty good recipe talk. You really

have to sift through the whole thread lightly, or search a topic and you

can get really good info. Just have to look hard enough.



Exactly, could't have said it better.



yes your ink is nice rouge, why dont u post a recipe. unless ur just tryin to hustle,,,,, then i understand.


Thanks for the input. I would love to post the mix for my paint, but I can't. Look at it this way. Does DED, Junobo, or Oink post their recipe's? I'm not here to just sell the paint, I never even posted it for that reason. The only reaon I'm selling it through PM's is because I recieved requests. I had to find the right mix/ingriedients myself, just like Junobo/DED/Oink. If you want some nice paint either buy it from me or Junobo, or make it yourself. Your colors won't be the same, but you never know. You have to find your own recipes.

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Damn! Getting called out!


It's a toss up...

I would show my stuff until I had more

personal colors and then reveal my secret...


That is mostly likely already posted in this thread.


On the first page.




But thats just me.

Keep it secret... keep it safe.

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Damn! Getting called out!


It's a toss up...

I would show my stuff until I had more

personal colors and then reveal my secret...


That is mostly likely already posted in this thread.


On the first page.




But thats just me.

Keep it secret... keep it safe.



I have some personal colors, but I won't give my secret, people could still figure it out then. I'm just waiting a bit to post the other pics, but they will be on here soon. :cool:

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Oink you just made a new game for everyone. GUESS THE 2 OINK STAINER'S!!!!!!!!! You could create a show and everything. You'll make millions. But seriously, everyone listen to Oink. Everything he said is very important, read it or else I'll kill you in your sleep.

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